December 17, 2019Christmas: A Change of Plans A nurse’s shift involves a baby, inconvenience, a change of plans, and God’s miraculous response.
December 10, 2019Authentic Relationships Strength, friendship, and rapport radiate from the relationships in this NCF group.
November 26, 2019Give Thanks, Get Healthy Can being thankful do more than meet the requisite Thanksgiving Day expectation?
November 19, 2019Holiness in Stained Places Messy and messed-up people often populate our nursing workplaces. Can we be Jesus to them while not entangling ourselves in the worldly messiness?
November 12, 2019Mental Health: Talk to Me! How do we approach conversations about mental health with compassion and care? Here’s practical help for those tough talks.
November 05, 2019Reaching the Nursing Corner When Myriah, a nurse and campus volunteer, dreamed with college students about what ministry might look like on their campus, God unfurled his plan.
October 29, 2019How Does God Heal? God, sovereign and all-wise, heals as he decides is best; our part is to exert faith and trust his lovingkindness.
October 22, 2019Applying the Golden Rule Until she was a patient herself, Jennifer didn’t realize how much it matters that nurses ask, “How are you feeling?”