When you join Nurses Christian Fellowship, you become part of a professional and ministry organization that invests in you and promotes Christian influence in healthcare. Discover member benefits below!
NCF offers discounts on membership, look below to see if you qualify for a reduction on professional membership cost.
Join Online Here
Renew Here
Mail-in application is available here: 2024_Fillable_Membership_Application.pdf
Please note that the mail-in application is for one year membership, and you cannot get a discount for auto renew (saves 11%).

Discounts on Membership
Discount for Students
If you are a student, you are eligible for a discounted membership! Join here and click 'I am a student' to get your discount.
Discount for Groups
If you are a part of a group looking to purchase NCF professional Membership, you are eligible for a discount! This saves money and is great for schools, student, faith community and other nurse groups! Please email us at NCF@intervarsity.org for the discount code.
Discount for Members of Nurse Groups
If you are a member of an NCF Nurse Group that meets regularly, you are eligible for a membership discount! Please email us at NCF@intervarsity.org for the discount code.
Journal of Christian Nursing
Journal of Christian Nursing
JCN offers practical, clinical and professional insights from a biblical, Christian perspective. Members receive this quarterly periodical with full access to outstanding and inspiring content in print and online formats, including JCN archives back to 1984. Members, to access JCN, click here.
Professional Development
Discounted NCPD (CE) from Lippincott
Members receive 30% of all NCPD activities through Journal of Christian Nursing and Lippincott Professional Development's CEConnection - the world's largest online CE collection from over 50 nursing journals. Save over $100 on relicensure in your practice area, including advanced practice nursing! Members, get your code for 30% off here.
Journal Club
Every quarter, members along with JCN authors and editors meet live to discuss a JCN article and earn free continuing education. Members, view recent Journal Clubs and earn NCPD (CE) here. Anyone can view Journal Clubs with expired NCPD here (no NCPD but great content!).
Find Relationship
Professional Nurse Groups: Find Relationship!
Join in meaningful relationships with nurse colleagues through NCF’s Professional Nurse Groups. Find a group or start one in your community.
Relationship matters. Mentoring is a way to foster relationships that provide needed support, encouragement, and growth both personally and professionally. NCF members are eligible to serve as mentors and receive mentorship!
Special Discounts
Lippincott Product Discount
NCF members can take 20% off all products at https://shop.lww.com! Discount code is available here. Save money today with NCF membership!
InterVarsity Press Discount
Take advantage of a 40% discount + free US shipping on the many award-winning books and Bible studies from InterVarsity Press, a leading publisher of thoughtful and enriching Christian materials. IVP provides resources that strengthen the church, encourage individuals, and shape the academic world.
NCF Store Discount
Enjoy 10% off already low priced NCF products from the NCF Store! Choose from water bottles, pens, sticky notes, t-shirts, penlights, pins, blankets, and brand new spiritual care cards! Pick something up for yourself, your NCF group, or a friend.
Exclusive Product Discounts
SockWell: 20% discount on all therapeutic socks! Please click here for the discount code to use at checkout.
Scripture Screensavers
NCF is pleased to offer Scripture Screensavers for your mobile or computer device from six favorite encouraging Bible verses. To download any or all six of the screens click here.

Watch your inbox for Charting the Way, your monthly member newsletter with special messages from NCF staff, nursing news, practical spiritual care resources, ministry stories, JCN features, and more. CTW is created just for you!
Members-Only Bible Studies
NCF offers Bible studies for everyone on the Bible Studies page. We also offer studies specifically for NCF members. Each study has a downloadable PDF version so you can print out and study the Word together on campus or in professional nurse groups.