Support the Vision
NCF works with students and nurses to share Jesus.
Nursing students who have never encountered the gospel meet Jesus.
Nurses meet a living God who comes alongside and offers hope.
Faith integrates with nursing.
Healthcare is transformed.
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Your Gift Goes Toward:

Supporting Staff
NCF staff plant and support ministry to reach nurses and students.

Growing Resources for
Students and Nurses
Communities of students and nurses flourish while being centered in Christ.

Influencing Nursing
NCF chapters grow and impact nurses, students, and healthcare.
What does Nurses Christian Fellowship do?

I have so many questions about my life right now
Nursing students today are asking questions; questions about the brokenness they see in their patients and the world. They struggle to make sense of the brokenness and how to process the anxiety of nursing school as they search for identity and significance. Many try to find meaning in their experience in nursing school. Their searching leads to spiritual openness and interest. NCF meets nursing students where they are and provides a community to ask questions and find Jesus.

When my patient was diagnosed with cancer, it broke my heart. I didn't know what to say
Nurses face distressing situations with patients and families almost daily. They need help in knowing how to support patients, how to support their colleagues who face the same suffering, and where to go with their own pain and suffering. NCF offers Jesus-focused resources—local groups, Bible studies, the Journal of Christian Nursing, professional education, and more--to care for nurses and help them care for others.

Is it okay to pray with patients? How do I know what my patient really wants spiritually?
This is the most frequently asked question students and nurses ask NCF. Some have been told you should never pray with patients, despite the fact that research demonstrates patients desperately want their caregiver to pray with them. NCF provides specific spiritual care resources that guide nurses in spiritual assessment, discovering spiritual needs, and providing the best evidenced-based spiritual care.
Your Gift Impacts Students, Nurses, and Patients:
Your gift equips both nurses and students to spread the gospel and be anchored in Christ-centered communities.
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Is my gift tax-deductible?
Is my gift tax-deductible?
Yes! NCF is a part of InterVarsity, which is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization.
(And yes, we will give you a receipt.)
Where can I mail
my gifts?
Where can I mail my gifts?
Please make the check out to Intervarsity Christian Fellowship and send to:
NCF, PO BOX 7895, Madison, WI 53707-7895
How can I
contact you?
How can I
contact you?
Contact us at NCF!
You can call us at 608-443-3722
or send us an email.