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A common class assignment is to research a professional nursing organization that shares your values. Thank you for choosing NCF. Please review the NCF website for more in-depth information. Below is a brief description of NCF.
NCF History and Purpose
For more than 70 years, NCF has had a vibrant and vital ministry to nurses, nursing students and educators. Find out more about the NCF history and purpose.
NCF/USA is a ministry of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. NCF is composed of local community and campus chapters with individual members. NCF/USA is a member country of NCF International.
Professional Membership
NCF has approximately 1500 members and is open to all nursing students, nurses and nursing faculty. Find out more about membership benefits and fees. Become a student member today!
InterVarsity is primarily a donor-supported organization that relies on financial gifts to fund its ministry. InterVarsity is a tax-exempt organization under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. InterVarsity pledges financial accountability through our charter membership in the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). The ECFA seal assures donors that their gifts will always be used appropriately for InterVarsity’s ministry. Find out more about InterVarsity's finances.
As one of InterVarsity’s Focused Ministries, NCF ministry is primarily supported through the financial donations of ministry partners. All NCF staff are engaged in inviting individuals and churches to partner with NCF in its efforts to plant and grow ministry to students, nurses, and nurse educators. Funds given by these ministry partners support the national office staff, all administrative functions, resource development, and individual staff who serve in direct ministry with Journal of Christian Nursing, Missions, Student and Nurse Ministry. NCF also offers resources and products for sale via the InterVarsity Store website.
Local Community and Campus Chapters
Nurses, students, and nurse educators are encouraged to form chapters in their own communities or on their campuses. Nurses are meeting together across the USA to grow in their faith and their professional nursing roles. They also reach out to students and nurses who want to explore spirituality and discover how Christian faith can influence their nursing practice. NCF staff assist nurses to begin new ministry in their local communities. Everyone is invited to participate in local fellowships, and NCF national membership is encouraged. Find local chapter information by state on the NCF map. Learn more about starting a local student chapter or starting a nurse chapter.
NCF’s major publication, the Journal of Christian Nursing, is published by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. Discover other NCF resources such as Bible studies and books that integrate nursing and Christian faith.
Policy Issues and Legislation
NCF does not participate in lobbying for political causes or take official stands regarding healthcare policy and legislation. However, NCF keeps abreast of legal issues and government policies about assaults on religious freedom on college and university campuses and in healthcare.
NCF informs its members and constituents about the Christian perspective on current healthcare issues via the Journal of Christian Nursing, the NCF website, the Nurse’s Blog, and regular newsletters. The Journal of Christian Nursing has addressed topics such as preparation for disasters, ministering to the underserved, holistic healthcare, service learning and much more. NCF supports the “right of conscience” for healthcare workers, and NCF encourages nurses and students to connect with Freedom2Care, an organization which is active in supporting healthcare freedoms.
NCF and InterVarsity are also committed to raising awareness of social justice issues, such as human trafficking, and encouraging students and faculty and nurses to live out their Christian faith by caring for and being advocates for the poor, underserved, marginalized, and victims of social injustices in the U.S. and around the world.
InterVarsity believes that Christian ministry on university and college campuses enhances the campus environment and the lives of the students and faculty, and it actively engages with administrators to ensure that college students and faculty can gather together in Christian community on their campuses. As a result of this commitment, InterVarsity has pursued legal action against a few public universities that refused to allow religious organizations that have specific criteria for student leaders to organize on their campuses.
NCF chapters can look different based on the school context and the makeup of the student population. What they all have in common is the mission of being a community discovering what it looks like to follow Jesus in nursing. NCF chapters on campus invite all nursing students and faculty to engage with the gospel no matter where they are at in their journey with God. The chapter may be just a few students, or may include both small groups and large-group gatherings.
Because we are part of the larger family of InterVarsity, NCF students and educators have opportunities to be involved in InterVarsity conferences, campus fellowships, training events, and other ministry events. InterVarsity also has focused ministries for art students, international students, athletes, and students in the Greek system.