April 25, 2023Devotional: Value the Small Things Do your efforts to serve God seem puny and insignificant? What does God think?
April 11, 2023Gratitude & Listening Cultivating gratitude accentuates our reflection of Jesus and invites others into our story.
March 28, 2023What’s Love Got to Do with Ethics? Navigating complex ethical situations requires self-awareness and firm footing based on Jesus’ love.
March 14, 2023Easter Grass and the Resurrection How not to miss out on experiencing the full power of Easter.
January 31, 2023Devotional: A Promise for Your Journey What do we hold onto when our life journey seems uncertain or the path is dark and lonely?
January 17, 2023God’s Mercy in the Valley A patient’s example of faith bolsters a nurse when death comes close.
December 20, 2022Christmas is a Thing Too Wonderful Who can fathom what really took place first in a virgin’s womb in Nazareth and then in a stable in Bethlehem?
November 29, 2022Gratitude in the Little Moments Approaching Christmas, here’s how to treasure all the moments of this season, not just the Instagram-worthy, wrapped-up-in-a-bow experiences.
November 01, 2022Nurse, Be Positive! When your workplace or nursing colleagues are caustic or toxic, consider these six practical points for remaining positive.