Spiritual Formation

Do your efforts to serve God seem puny and insignificant? What does God think?

Cultivating gratitude accentuates our reflection of Jesus and invites others into our story. 

If Jesus came to set us free, why are we not at peace?

Navigating complex ethical situations requires self-awareness and firm footing based on Jesus’ love.

How not to miss out on experiencing the full power of Easter.

What do we hold onto when our life journey seems uncertain or the path is dark and lonely?

A patient’s example of faith bolsters a nurse when death comes close.

Who can fathom what really took place first in a virgin’s womb in Nazareth and then in a stable in Bethlehem?

Approaching Christmas, here’s how to treasure all the moments of this season, not just the Instagram-worthy, wrapped-up-in-a-bow experiences.

When your workplace or nursing colleagues are caustic or toxic, consider these six practical points for remaining positive.
