God, I need you …
So much has changed.
So much has been lost.
So many have been lost.
Child, my grace is sufficient, and my power is made perfect in your weakness.
I never change. I am the same yesterday … today … and tomorrow.
I am here to redeem what has been lost … to use for good what was meant for evil,
I know the names of each one who has died. And I have conquered death.
God, where are you?
I feel the distance between us growing.
I am weary--a deep down in my bones weariness.
I am alone--who is there to speak for me in the chaos?
Child, I am here … I have never left you.
My arms are outstretched, ready to hold you close again.
My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
My promise is there for you – I will never leave you or forsake you.
God, my mind is conflicted, tossed about like the waves of the sea.
Is this my calling?
Is this my purpose?
Is this my identity?
Child, I give you a peace that passes all understanding.
Your calling is to follow me.
Your purpose is do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with me.
Your identity is found in me: Rremember, - you are a new creation.
God, the darkness surrounds me.
It is so easy to feel lost.
It is so easy to feel alone.
It is so easy to give up.
Child, I am the Light of the world.
I leave the ninety-nine to search for the one who has been lost.
I tell you that nothing can separate you from my love.
I ask you to fix your eyes on what cannot be seen. Remember–there is hope!
Christy Secor, DNP, RN, CDWF, is NCF’s Professional Ministries Director.
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