Self Care From God's Word

Caring for Yourself

Nursing is difficult, and it can be hard to know how to start with self care. This four part Bible study gives tangible ways to improve your self care alongside Scripture that calls us to rest!

Part One        Part Two        Part Three        Part Four


Part 1 of 4: Sleep 

Video Link:  


God is always with us and he cares for us as a whole person. Sleep can be seen as a luxury, but it is actually a very important part of caring for ourselves to better care for others.


Psalm 4:6-8 “Many are asking, ‘Who can show us any good?’ Let the light of your face shine upon us, o Lord. You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their new grain and new wine abound. In peace, I will lie down and sleep, for you alone Lord make me dwell in safety”

Group Discussion

  1. Make sleep a priority - What gets in the way of you getting the rest you need? What kind of planning and scheduling would help you make sleep a priority?

  2. Know when to rest - When have you seen the consequences of lack of sleep? What signals from your body can you watch for to know when to move sleep to the top of your priority list?

  3. Accountability - Who or what can help keep you accountable for prioritizing sleep? What would you find helpful to let you know when your sleep is lacking?

  4. Trust God - Read Psalm 4:8 above together. Has your view of God’s priority for rest changed in light of this verse? How can trusting God to keep you safe bring you peace and rest?


Make notes for a week on what is keeping you from good sleep. After a week, look at patterns and pray, asking God to help you see if there are healthy changes that you might be able to try to help you.


Part 2 of 4: Exercise 

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God cares for our physical body in addition to our mind and spirit. Throughout church history, followers of Jesus struggled to connect body and spirit. We know from scripture BOTH are important. We honor God by helping our bodies to be healthy, not to be a professional athlete or attract admiration, but so that we can be physically strong to do the work God has called us to. Exercise also releases endorphins to help us be mentally healthy. 


1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.”

Group Discussion

  1. What does it mean to you that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit? How does this change how you view yourself and your self-care?

  2. What do you see as your biggest struggles with your physical and mental health that exercise could help?

  3. How can your group help each other prioritize exercise? What creative options can you find for fitting in exercise with a busy schedule?


Track it! When we write things down, we are better able to recognize and process what we might not realize in the busyness of life. With a friend or other group member, brainstorm things you already do that honor God with your body. Then, consider if there are things you do that are not treating your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit. What is one thing that you could challenge yourself to do this week to shift something from the second list? These are often ingrained habits so come up with a short prayer to ask God to help you with this challenge.



Part 3 of 4: Quiet Time 

Video Link: 


God wants to spend time with you! Nursing school is a busy time but it is important to create a lifetime habit of spending personal quiet time with God in worship, scripture study, prayer, and being filled. In some seasons of your life getting time alone with God will be 10 minutes a day, while other seasons will allow you larger time blocks or even a retreat. Being intentional about creating this space allows God to help you settle, focus, and prioritize so that you can be healthy and fruitful.


Psalm 1:1-3 “How happy is the man who does not follow the advice of the wicked or take the path of sinners or join a group of mockers! Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night. He is like a tree planted beside streams of water that bears its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.”

Group Discussion

  1. How does it make you feel that the King of the universe wants to spend personal time with you? How comfortable are you with personal quiet time with God (time intentionally scheduled to be alone with him and away from distractions where you are relaxed and open to listening to what he wants to say to you)?

  2. Schedule the time- What distractions do you experience in trying to make space for quiet time with God and how can you work through them? What helps you to draw your mind away from the world and focus on God? (music, a candle, nature, etc)

  3. Use a reading plan- What Bible reading plan or devotional have you used before? What would you recommend to your group and why? See the additional resources below for some ideas

  4. Do it together- While we do not want to police each other, having others you are accountable to and celebrate with helps make a good habit. How can your group be accountable to each other for spending quiet time with God?


No time like the present! Get something on your schedule today for sometime this week. It doesn’t have to be a large chunk of time, more important that it is doable and scheduled.

Additional resources for intentional time with God:

What does personal time with God look like: 

Nursing-specific devotionals from NCF

Bible reading plans are available from the YouVersion website or app  or the Read Scripture app 


Part 4 of 4: Prayer 

Video Link: 


Prayer is something we may talk about often, but have you considered it as part of your self-care? Not just in asking God for help with our needs, but as a part of a relationship with him, that will protect your heart and mind and bring you peace.


Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Group Discussion

  1. Matthew 18:20 says “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Why do you think it is important to God for us to gather together in prayer? How can your group pray for you? Are there things your NCF group can do on campus to invite others into prayer (ie-asking on social media, putting out a prayer request box)

  2. There are many ways to spend time by yourself in prayer with God; check out some options you may not have before like welcoming prayer, breath prayer, and listening prayer. What other prayer styles have worked for you in your personal time?

  3. Prayer journaling looks different for everyone. What does or doesn’t work for you? Share ideas as a group.

  4. How can you incorporate prayer into your school and work day? What can you use throughout the day to remind you to pray (ie- handwashing, entering a particular room, setting the alarm, etc) 


On our own power, we struggle with balancing everything but the good news is, we can look to Jesus for his resurrection power. When we invite Jesus to lead our lives, our hearts are changed now and for eternity with him. Take some time to be still and pray. Ask God if he is inviting you to a new life following him. If you are ready to accept this step toward Jesus, share it with your group or a group leader.