Suggestions for Meetings

Good preparation and follow up will benefit your group.  Here are suggestions as you prepare to lead a group. 

Leader Preparation

  • Use the Bible study questions and leaders' notes to prepare for the discussion.
  • Pray for God's guidance in your leadership and for group members.
  • Prepare a meeting plan and simple refreshments.

Group Sharing

  • Pray for a caring atmosphere and the freedom for honest sharing.
  • Invite members to share about nursing-related issues and personal concerns (focus on experiences, joys, dilemmas, issues - not gossip).

Discussion and Prayer

  • Introduce the Bible study, Journal of Christian Nursing article, or nursing topic discussion.
  • Pace the group activity to ensure that the meeting ends on time.
  • Allow time for praying together and sharing how God has answered requests. Some group members may be comfortable praying out loud, and others may prefer to pray silently. The leader may also pray on behalf of the group for specific topics that were discussed and other expressed concerns.
  • Guidelines for Praying as a Group.

Connecting with Others

  • Encourage nurses to become members of the NCF national network to integrate their faith and their nursing practice.
  • Remember also that members of your group can receive a discount on their membership. Please contact us at NCF if you have any questions about the code for your group members.


  • Evaluate the group meetings for time, location, content.
  • Encourage others to volunteer to lead future group discussions.
  • Ask group members to invite others to the gatherings, including those who are searching for God.
  • Pray that God will nurture the group and extend its outreach.