June 06, 2023How Jesus Cares for Caregivers When caring for people means experiencing their suffering, we can sometimes wonder, who’s caring for me?
May 30, 2023Nursing and the Power of Presence One of a nurse’s best means of caring is being present.
May 16, 2023From Nurse to Nurses: A Tribute How do we adequately recognize our colleagues and peers as nurses who press on?
May 09, 2023Engage More Deeply with Your Faith Grow your caregiving nature: Engage your mind and heart with more faith in who God says you are.
May 05, 2023How Nursing’s Past Infuses Our Future Nursing’s history is resplendent with the influences of Christian men and women who innovated, championed, and stood firm in faith and focus.
April 25, 2023Devotional: Value the Small Things Do your efforts to serve God seem puny and insignificant? What does God think?
April 18, 2023Nurses, Empathy, and Blind Spots Some patients trigger reactions in our conscious or unconscious selves; the result may harm or hamper proper nursing care.
April 11, 2023Gratitude & Listening Cultivating gratitude accentuates our reflection of Jesus and invites others into our story.
March 28, 2023What’s Love Got to Do with Ethics? Navigating complex ethical situations requires self-awareness and firm footing based on Jesus’ love.