Nursing Students, God, and Faith

Last week’s blog post described a faculty advisor’s vision and launch of an NCF student group. Here’s the rest of the story.

Our NCF student group was still young when the pandemic invaded and everything changed. As the group’s faculty advisor, I saw that when we needed each other the most, we could not be present for one another. Our student group met on Zoom, but the student leadership struggled to adjust to learning and gathering online. There was no food, no physical touch.

It was a hard year and half! Our Zoom meetings started off with 25 students, then dwindled to 5 each month. I invited a speaker to a Zoom meeting to talk about how stress affects our spiritual lives. The students needed to hear this more than I knew. 

Slowly, we started to meet in person. First, we met in the parking lot of the school of nursing. We wore masks and had a local restaurant donate sandwiches. The students secured a worship leader and speaker that night, and it almost felt “normal.” We had senior night outside that year. Seniors earned their cords and walked the stage at graduation—again, God provided. 

As life has returned to normal, our group slowly returned to pre-pandemic numbers. The first meeting each year is more attended than the rest of the meetings. The students work hard to invite their peers, knowing that being a part of NCF helps them cope with the busyness of nursing school. 

These types of meetings are most attended: 

  • game night 
  • faculty panel night 
  • senior night 

One valuable choice was the requirement for students to complete a volunteer project. They have gathered donations for the food pantry, collected school supplies, and procured items for a women’s shelter. This outreach to the community supports those who we, as nurses, serve.

The students also fund raise for chapter needs. They designed a T-shirt with the university’s name and set up a Venmo account to receive the donations for the shirts. The chapter raised over $300; that money is now used for supplies for the gatherings and senior cords. We recently opened a chapter bank account to make transactions easier and traceable.

Each Monday, I’ve texted the student leaders to ask for their prayer requests for the week. We pray at each student leader meeting. This next academic year, I’m mentoring a new faculty member to become the main advisor. She’ll find a co-advisor by the spring semester.

Now, I’m stepping away from this role. For 3+ years, I’ve led these precious students and I’m so grateful for each of them. God has other ministries for me to do, for my good and his glory. Thanks be to God! 

Laura Logan, MSN, RN, CCRN, is a clinical instructor at DeWitt School of Nursing, Stephen F. Austin State University in Texas.

Educators are invaluable to students as mentors and spiritual role models. NCF can assist you as a faculty advisor with a student group. Find information on the NCF website and by contacting Jen Wojtysiak, Student Ministries Director.


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