Mission of NCF Nurse Ministries
To create a place where nurses meet together and invite God into their discussions about nursing to experience Jesus' gift of Christian community.
For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.
Matthew 18:20
Christ's presence provides encouragement for us to grow in love for God, God's Word, God's people of every ethnicity and culture, and God's purposes in the world. Below you can find resources on our NCF groups, and for nurses in specific specialties.
Purpose of NCF Groups
NCF nurse groups have three primary purposes: provide community, reach out to others, and equip nurses to integrate faith and practice from a biblical perspective. These groups are supplementary to local church attendance, and a great way to connect with other Nurses in the Christian Faith.
- Pray for each other, patients, co-workers, nursing leaders, nursing as a profession
- Share personal and professional experiences
- Study God's Word
- Explore biblical foundations for nursing and nursing care
- Discuss nursing issues and ethical concerns
- Learn how to give spiritual care
Equip Nurses
- Invite friends to NCF to investigate God
- Share the gospel with people around you
- Mentor the next generation of Christian nurses
Starting a Nurse Group
We are so excited that you want to start a nurse group in your area! This is an amazing ministry God has called you to. Please email us at NCF@intervarsity.org to get connected with Christy Secor, Professional Ministry Director. You can also look at this page to see specific steps toward starting a nurse ministry.
Nurse Group Affiliation
Have you already created a group of nurses and are considering becoming affiliated with Nurses Christian Fellowship? Please check out our resource on becoming affiliated with NCF.