Is your nurse group affiliated with Nurses Christian Fellowship, a ministry of InterVarsity? Chances are that it is not formally affiliated if you are one of the leaders and you don't know the answer to that question. No big deal? Think again. The following information will help you understand why and how to affiliate your nurse chapter with Nurses Christian Fellowship® (NCF®).
Affiliation with NCF begins with recognizing that the purpose and beliefs of your fellowship are in line with NCF/InterVarsity's Purpose and Doctrinal Basis. This assures students, nurses, parents, church leaders and friends that the chapter stands for:
sound Biblical teaching
genuinely warm communities of growing Christians who are passionate about reaching students and nurses with the gospel
a heartbeat for missions
a respected professional nursing organization.
In addition to recognizing a common biblical commitment and mission, many groups affiliate with NCF/InterVarsity to take advantage of the resources that are available, such as:
Pastoral care and assistance from staff workers
Local and regional conferences
Free publications such as Vital Signs and NCF newsletters
There are also some not-so-obvious benefits from being affiliated with NCF/InterVarsity. One of the most important is continuity. Chapters have a better chance of surviving leadership transitions if they have support to help prepare future leaders. Another benefit is respect from the campus administration, healthcare agencies, and nurses. Many administrators look more favorably on a chapter that is affiliated with a national, reputable organization. Chapters also benefit from being interdenominational. Students, faculty and nurses from a variety of denominations find a home in our fellowship groups, united by a common basis of faith and a desire to nurture the faith of students and nurses.
The framework that keeps our widespread fellowship groups connected is a team of gifted and dedicated staff and volunteers. Staff workers stimulate student and nurse initiative, help connect like-minded students and nurses with others from their region or around the country, and coach young believers along to maturity.
Use of NCF name and logo
Many groups use "Nurses Christian Fellowship" as part of their chapter name for greater name recognition. Nurses Christian Fellowship®, NCF®, and the NCF logo are official NCF trademarks. If your group chooses to use the name "Nurses Christian Fellowship", the acronym "NCF", or the NCF logo in any format, you must follow the NCF name and Logo use policy (Logo Policy.2019.pdf) and keep your affiliation with NCF up-to-date. Your use of these names and/or the logo indicate that your chapter shares in the mission of NCF and in its doctrinal basis.
How to affiliate
Formal affiliation with NCF is a simple, annual process in which the chapter's leaders review the chapter's guiding principles and convictions and affirm that they are in harmony with those of NCF/InterVarsity. Students and nurses can use this time to pray for their fellowship and discuss their core values and identity.