Nurses are Superheroes Too!

There’s something compelling about understanding how a thing happened, what its origins are. We see it in the movies with superhero origins and other characters we love. We see it in sports pre-game shows, and in autobiographies of influential leaders. We seem to naturally want to know where things come from. How did the young Peter Parkers of the world become Spiderman? Or how sports stars come from meager beginnings. How did Apple become the tech juggernaut that it is today? How do the Clara Bartons of the world start and grow a movement into the Red Cross?

While it’s great to look back and see where things have come from, what is really exciting right now is how we can be a part of an origin story today! As nursing students have been and are continuing to make their way to colleges and universities, some of their origin stories are beginning.

NCF student groups across the U.S. are preparing for the return of the nursing students in their programs. (How is that not already a movie title?) Many groups are planning outreaches and tables during New Student Outreach (NSO) to engage other nursing students in conversation and discover open doors to share the gospel.

After all the NSO dust settles, it’s time to follow-up with all of the new connections that were made, to nurture those relationships, and to invite fellow nursing students to attend more events and get plugged in.

It is during this time of outreach that we may begin to see an origin story take shape. We may find someone who was distant from God or didn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus make a decision to follow or recommit to Him. There is no knowing what origin story God may be planning to write during this season of NSO, but we would love it if you would be praying for nursing students returning to campus! 

Jen Wojtysiak BS, ThM, Associate Regional Director, Lakes and Plains Region and NCF’s Student Ministries Director, encourages and mentors nursing students and student leaders while strategizing how to launch new groups and promote support of existing ones.

Find out more about NCF’s student ministry—where to find current groups or start one, and check out these resources for groups.


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