Life & Work

Vocational discipleship

As a Christian college student, I longed to be used by God.

Many military veterans are nurses who have served in both domestic and foreign posts. These nurses, including those currently on military duty, deserve recognition for their service.

When your workplace or nursing colleagues are caustic or toxic, consider these six practical points for remaining positive.

Nurses have the optimum role model for any leadership role they perform—Jesus. His life exemplifies leadership traits we all can aspire to.

How does a nurse guard his or her heart, and why is that essential in our ethics and our nursing practice?

Nurses using health education openings are planting the seeds of salvation in places were Christ is unknown.

Nurses who care about health equity are powerful advocates for the sometimes invisible people who face numerable barriers to care.

"Are you courageous enough to walk in when others run out?" asks palliative care nurse Carla Adams about the art of caring for patients in distress.


Nurses have great influence in advancing health equity goals and the Gospel of Jesus in our profession.

Seeking joy is a worthy aim, so how do hardship and suffering make any sense?
