Journal of Christian Nursing

A nurse ethicist offers four theological principles for practice in any religious context.

Would you be willing to pray with a patient if you had more concrete ideas of how to go about it?

The journey of faith in nursing can be facilitated through a combination of discipleship and mentorship.

Failures can be creative flourishing opportunities if we give God space to work with us.

One of the founding nurses at the first holistic hospital-based hospice in the United States recalls the impact of Christian nursing care on individual patients.

Nursing’s history is resplendent with the influences of Christian men and women who innovated, championed, and stood firm in faith and focus.

Navigating complex ethical situations requires self-awareness and firm footing based on Jesus’ love.

Here’s help for nurses when diabetes and other chronic illnesses create emotional and spiritual distress in patients.

Caring for a person’s feet can translate into much needed whole-person care.

Nurses are wired to care—let’s recognize the older people around us who are starved for social connection and interaction
