August 23, 2022Offering Spiritual CPR Breathing spiritually for a fellow Jesus-follower can renew their calling in Christ.
August 09, 2022Seeing God At Work Hope is rising and spreading through nursing students and faculty advisors in all corners of the country!
August 02, 2022Rebuff Mental Health’s Stigma Nurses can change the landscape of mental health, one person at a time, including facing our own mental health needs.
July 26, 2022More Support for Students Meet Wendy, another champion for nursing students through NCF.
July 19, 2022Christian Nursing After Roe v. Wade Our responses to people faced with an unplanned pregnancy should mirror Christ’s action
July 12, 2022Nursing’s Sacred Space Short, authentic prayers refocus purpose and presence in a hectic nursing environment.
July 05, 2022Nursing Students, God, and Faith A faculty advisor reflects on God’s support of nursing students during the pandemic and how students thrived despite difficulties.
June 28, 2022Faculty Advisor Reflections A faculty advisor to an NCF student group relates the thoughts and prayers that led to a new student group and God’s work among them.
June 21, 2022Nursing Practice and Presence Practicing presence isn’t just for patient care. Jennifer Lim describes cultivating the spiritual discipline of presence.
June 14, 2022Why We Pray When our hearts are heavy from grievous events locally and globally, God hears and attends to our prayers.