December 26, 2023Partnerships: Possibilities for FCNs Growing a faith community nursing ministry has wide potential when FCNs strategically seek local partnerships.
December 19, 2023Mary’s Understanding When God asks you to join in something impossible, trust he has a plan.
December 12, 2023Planting Blitz: God Showed Up! What can happen when God orchestrates your travel itinerary?
December 05, 2023Teach Better Through Storytelling Jesus’ model of telling stories to impact hearers’ minds and hearts is a template for nurses as patient educators.
November 28, 2023Waiting Well in the Dark We can flourish by opening up to the unknown in this season of darkness and anticipation.
November 21, 2023Devotional: Anxiety-Driven Prayers? Invite Jesus into your anxiety and mature your prayer practice.
November 14, 2023Nursing Ethics & Multifaith Beliefs A nurse ethicist offers four theological principles for practice in any religious context.
November 07, 2023Devotional: Seeing with God’s Eyes We’re trained to see beyond the physical needs of our patients. Could we also see our colleagues and co-workers from a new angle?
October 31, 2023Being the Voice Amid Domestic Violence Readiness to intervene in the instance of potential harm to a patient means following the example of Jesus.
October 24, 2023Green Peppers and Good Neighbors A friendly Irish setter and garden vegetables embody the goodness of neighbors whose hearts are tuned to loving God.