April 09, 2024Indelibly Marked by Peace A dying woman’s simple faith imprints powerfully on a novice nurse.
April 02, 2024Entering a Vulnerable Space Simple actions for a patient sometimes signal significant moments.
March 26, 2024Empowering Planting in 2024 Join NCF in witnessing God's transformative work in nursing schools this year!
March 19, 2024What is “Good” Nursing? Compassion, more than competence, was a mom’s strong desire when her daughter was transported for trauma care with a head injury.
March 12, 2024When Comic Books Count Jesus supplies each thing we need as nurses to care compassionately.
March 05, 2024Community Combats Compassion Fatigue In nursing and in everyday life, each of us needs the warmth and strength of a community to thrive.
February 27, 2024Touched by Light and Life A hospice nurse in a remote mountain community offers the most essential treatment to her patient.
February 20, 2024Grounded and Thriving Maintaining emotional and spiritual balance depends on a regular diet of God’s Word.
February 13, 2024Nursing: Messy, Tangled Grace Holding the shaking hand of a fearful patient and looking with mercy into the eyes of a desperate person—this is nursing with God-given grace.
February 06, 2024Fruitful Messaging A nurse texts messages of encouragement to co-workers as a means of representing Jesus in her workplace