June 07, 2022Students Encounter Peace Kept: Finding Peace in Nursing School Student Ministry Retreat 2022
March 15, 2022An Invitation: Finding Peace Nursing students, faculty advisors, and nurse educators can regain or taste for the first time the other-worldly peace God gives when we make time to listen and respond to him.
March 01, 2022Prayer: Every Nurse’s Need From first year students to practicing nurses and experienced educators, each of us needs and benefits from the practice of prayer.
February 22, 2022Unexpected Adoptions Nurse groups take up the challenge to support students and faculty in a novel way.
December 07, 2021Sprouting Student Groups Because foundations were carefully constructed, communities of students and faculty at many nursing schools are sprouting up and growing spiritually.
November 16, 2021Helping Students Soar Santhiny Rajamohan’s own educational challenges and God’s Word in practice have shaped her perspective of teaching nursing students.
November 02, 2021A Novel Teaching Tool A nurse educator role models to students how to keep current on evidence-based practice by using a familiar tool.
September 07, 2021When God Shows Up In the face of hopelessness surrounded by darkness, God’s redeeming strength brings light and life to a nursing school.
August 31, 2021A Prayer Before School As faculty and staff return to campus, meditate on this prayer and all that God promises to those who trust him.
July 20, 2021Nursing as Seed Planting Nursing educators sometimes do their best work by listening intently to their students and envisioning conflictive scenarios as opportunities.