What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus in nursing?
NCF has developed a Discipleship Cycle as a model for our groups to explore how to be a follower of Jesus in nursing.
As part of this, our student chapters are doing a "care plan" for their school of nursing to discover more about what it means to follow Christ in nursing. This can be applied to the nursing practice, too. Use this Bible study, Care Plan for NCF Nurse Chapters, with your group to expand your vision and learn how you can assess, plan, implement and evaluate your ministry as it relates to your nursing environment.
Attendance variable?
• Send out an email survey with key questions like:
- What did you value most about the meetings you attended?
- What needs of yours were not met that you would like to have addressed?
- What obstacles prevented you from attending regularly?
- What would enable you to be more involved with the group?
• Encourage people to get involved by offering them a role in the chapter. If you plan a meeting, call or email ahead to ask if they would be willing to open in prayer, bring a snack, or record and send prayer requests to the entire group. Include everyone in the mission of the group. Ask others to rotate leading the prayer time or Bible study.
Discounted CE on JCN Articles
Did you know that NCF members receive 30% off CE from the Journal of Christian Nursing and 25% off all other periodicals published by LWW? Get CE credits at a reduced rate on spiritual care articles and other faith-based topics. NCF members simply log in through the NCF website and then will have free access to all past issues of JCN and will receive the discounted rate for CE at NursingCenter.com. Encourage nurses in your group to become NCF members in order to receive these benefits.
NCF Connections
Encourage the nurses in your group to sign up for NCF Connections, a free monthly e-newsletter which includes information on current events, highlights relevant blog posts, shares materials specifically for nursing students and nurses, plus lots more. See past issues.
The hottest InterVarsity resource right now is Pray. This prayer booklet is as a guide for facilitating individual and communal devotional life. It combines personal and missional prayer and encourages common prayer practices among God’s people, including tips for daily prayers, prayer walks, prayer ministry, lectio divina and more. Buy individually (or purchase 10 or more at a discount for your group) from the InterVarsity Store.