New Student Outreach is a strategic opportunity to meet new nursing students and invite them into a life-changing relationship with Jesus.
Spread the word about your NCF community with creative NSO ideas, publicity materials, contact cards and other resources. more⇒

Yes, it is important to be persistent in following up with interested students three times, in three ways, to build a relationship with new students curious about your group. Try some of these ideas or come up with your own creative ways to connect.

God has strategically placed you in your school of nursing and he is inviting you to take part in his kingdom coming here on the earth. By the power of the Holy Spirit, you are the perfect person to reach nursing students. Think about answers for these two questions: Who do I feel called to in the school of nursing? Who do I spend most of my time with?
Make a list of all the Christians and non-Christians you can invite to be a part of your NCF community. Go on a prayer walk in the school of nursing and pray for connections with people God is nudging.

Leadership is a privilege and a responsibility. As a leader, God is inviting you to actively participate in expanding NCF ministry at your school of nursing. As part of that process, you will grow and develop as well. Here are resources to help you get started, create a vision, partner with others, and plan for structure.

Who are you inviting to explore what the Bible says about nursing? If you haven’t already selected a Bible study series for the semester, be sure to check out Healing Encounters with Jesus and What’s Vital? Following Jesus in Nursing for studies written specifically for nursing students. Your small group Bible study is the primary place for spiritual transformation.

Urbana 15 is an InterVarsity missions conference that will change your life! Healthcare missions seminars, mission agencies, and a dynamic main speaker, Dr. Patrick Fung, will challenge you in new ways. Contact NCF to request scholarship information for nursing students. We want to see you there!
Take advantage of deep student discounts on NCF Membership fees and become part of the NCF professional nursing organization.
Benefits include a subscription to the Journal of Christian Nursing with online access to 30 years of past issues. JCN is an invaluable resource for research papers and learning about topics relevant to nursing practice. Add NCF membership to your resume. Join today.