Leadership Transitions
Now is the time to select and train new student leaders for next year. Current leaders can help with a smooth transition of leadership:

- Write a description of your role, including a list of your contacts in the school of nursing.
- Have interested students complete the leadership application that is in the InterVarsity constitution and select qualified students.
- Have the selected students shadow the leader whose role they’ll assume, attend planning meetings and try leading a Bible study. Allow them time to become comfortable with the role before the semester ends so they are prepared for leadership in the fall.
Join NCF today! Be Transformed, Transform Nursing.
Become part of a professional Christian nursing organization. Benefits for students include a subscription to the Journal of Christian Nursing with online access to all past issues. JCN is an invaluable resource for research papers and for personal benefit to learn more about topics relevant to nursing practice. Professional membership can also be put on a resume. Become an NCF member at these greatly reduce rates:
- $35 for full-time pre-licensure nursing students (full benefits)
- $25 for full-time pre-licensure students with JCN online-only access.
- Learn more and join.

Scars Pocket Proxe
A Pocket Proxe
is a tool to engage students in conversation about spiritual topics. It includes a script and questions that promote conversation. The Scars outreach tool addresses physical and metaphorical scars, how we receive them and how we inflict them on others, and what Jesus’ scars have to do with these scars. It dovetails with issues nursing students face personally and with patient care. You can download a free copy of the Scars script and order conversation cards at the InterVarsity Store.
Consider using the Scars script for an NCF group study and then ask the questions to open up discussion with classmates in your school of nursing. Invite your classmates to join you at the next NCF meeting so they can continue to explore more about how God’s Word applies to their lives. Studying the Scars script together and reaching out to your classmates puts the NCF Discipleship Cycle in action by “hearing the word”, “actively responding” and “integrating and interpreting.”

When Brent Campbell was threatened on campus by five racist white guys, how did he respond? Brent talks about how being loved by Jesus framed his radical response to racism. He is an InterVarsity student leader at UNCW and gave his testimony at National Staff Conference. Watch the 2100 video or download MP3 audio and share his story to promote discussions about multiethnicity and racial reconciliation in your chapter.

The words that Professor Ken Elzinga spoke were not complex, but their impact was profound. Professor Elzinga’s point was simply this, “God is not calling you to success, but rather to obedience.” If you are driven to succeed in nursing school, read more from InterVarsity's Collegiate Ministries blog.

We value our nurse educators and have put together some special online resources for you. Included are two collections of articles from the Journal of Christian Nursing: Called to Teach and Ideas for Educators. There is also information for publishing opportunities and articles to encourage you personally and professionally.
Barb White: A World-Changer in Healthcare Education

At InterVarsity's recent staff conference, Barb shared about how God guided her nursing journey and brought her to become the Dean of the School of Nursing at Colorado Christian College and the President of NCFI. Be empowered by her testimony.