October 15, 2019Beating Burnout, Jesus Style Nursing takes so much out of us nurses. Thankfully, Jesus’s mode of recovery counteracts burnout.
October 08, 2019How Are You Feeling? When emotions feel like just a messy mistake in our humanity, consider that God gave us emotions and the means to handle them positively.
October 01, 2019Student Event Engages Campus Nursing students rallied their campus in Florida for amazing prayer and worship on 9/11.
September 24, 2019Prime Nursing Advice What does a seasoned nurse and educator say nurses should do to succeed in their practice?
September 17, 2019Facing a Crisis of Conscience What can nurses do when a workplace situation conflicts with their personal beliefs?
September 10, 2019To Save a Life As death by suicide is at epidemic levels, nurses have a significant role in prevention and awareness.
September 03, 2019Nurses are Superheroes Too! Right now, new stories of origin are beginning as Christian nursing students reach out to fellow students on campus.
August 27, 2019Reviving Your Quiet Time If you often feel like your connection to God gets weak, these three resources might revive your daily devotional time.
August 20, 2019Avoiding Research "Sins" Nurses and nurse researchers often find themselves prone to unethical “sins” as they seek to advance nursing science.
August 13, 2019Hope and Disappointment Embrace hope--even when disappointment is surrounding you--through this encouraging devotional.