March 25, 2019A Safe Place to Connect Students in the NCF group at the University of Missouri have built healthy connections to each other and to God.
March 11, 2019Are My Neighbors Healthy? Nurses can address and implement change that positively impacts the health and lives of those around us.
February 26, 2019Promises That Overcome Death How can we believe that real joy and gladness will overtake the brokenness and death we encounter?
February 15, 2019New Bible Studies Available Six new Bible studies have been added to the Follow Jesus in Nursing series which is available for free.
February 11, 2019Nursing in the Digital Age How can nurses run fast enough to keep their footing on the rapid treadmill of digital skills and healthcare knowledge?
January 31, 2019Where Does My Help Come From? Feeling sucked dry in every way and facing another 12-hour shift with difficult, needy patients, a nurse looks up and connects with the source of strength.
January 22, 2019Conquering Cravings Nurses are in a prime position to support patients, friends--and themselves-- to break costly killer additions like smoking.
January 09, 2019Lunch with Pete A chance encounter at a hotel lunch counter yields an enduring impression.
January 02, 2019Chronic Pain’s Fruit: Patience Long term pain can break a person’s spirit or birth deeper qualities such as patience and deepening reliance on God.