Faith-Based Nursing Group Thrives

The seed was a conversation. It was planted when Lori Ferguson chatted with a local university instructor about faith and nursing. That seed has flourished, bearing the fruit of an NCF nurses group in Grand Junction, Colorado, where Lori works as clinical resource specialist at St. Mary’s Hospital.

“We began meeting in January 2019 with the purpose of bringing together nurses from our entire area who could support each other in faith-based nursing,” Lori said. With a leadership team of six, monthly meetings regularly have 18 to 19 nurses.

Christy Secor, NCF’s Professional Ministries Director, has encouraged and mentored the group. She described the model the group has chosen: one month features a business meeting with a discussion of an article from the Journal of Christian Nursing, then the following month is a program with guests who share about issues nurses are facing, such as giving spiritual support to dying patients. Lori said upcoming programs will cover topics such as PTSD in nurses and using faith as a coping mechanism. “We’re fortunate to have access to an amazing group of hospital chaplains who are helping us with topics and speakers,” Lori said. 

Meeting locations change each month so nurses from all backgrounds and facilities find the group accessible. Facebook has been an advantageous communication and promotion tool; Lori said their Facebook group is more than 98 people.

In April, the Grand Junction group launched home study groups. Lori said these smaller study groups will meet regularly in members’ homes. Some will use the study materials available through NCF and one will be a Christian book club.

What’s made this group take root and grow? “That’s a God thing!” Lori believes. “We all prayed and asked for guidance and so many nurses have come forward to join our Facebook group.”

“We had no idea what God had in store for us when we started. But by stepping out in faith, establishing the group, nurses in the area have definitely responded and we are anxious to see where God leads us next!”

Nurses interested in starting a professional group in their area are welcome to contact Christy Secor for advice and support:


Prayer calendar: Join in praying with other nurses. Add your NCF group’s prayer concerns and praises by contacting Christy Secor.

Journal of Christian Nursing: Access articles for group use and personal development and support in your calling as a Christian nurse.


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