Journal of Christian Nursing

A nurse’s shift involves a baby, inconvenience, a change of plans, and God’s miraculous response.

Messy and messed-up people often populate our nursing workplaces. Can we be Jesus to them while not entangling ourselves in the worldly messiness?

Until she was a patient herself, Jennifer didn’t realize how much it matters that nurses ask, “How are you feeling?” 

Nursing takes so much out of us nurses. Thankfully, Jesus’s mode of recovery counteracts burnout.

Nurses and nurse researchers often find themselves prone to unethical “sins” as they seek to advance nursing science.

When a nurse loses her job for giving spiritual care, what can we all learn about ethical caregiving?

A cranky patient leads to a new RN’s epiphany that sets her foundation as a Christian nurse.

Painful experiences—ours and others’—push us to wonder if trusting in God is worth it.

Fully engaging with our patients and colleagues is one means of practicing nursing from a God-centered point of view.

The Bible offers practical, positive responses for nurses to apply to a toxic workplace.
