June 2022 Prayer and Praise

Children – they are our legacy…the next generation. As I watch the children playing at the intermediary school across the street from my home; I hear their laughter as they swing or twirl in a circle, the arguments about whose turn it is, and the joy of chasing a ball kicked across the field. These are the experiences of childhood that should be common for us all.

Childhood experiences are changing as students practice active shooter drills, and deal with the trauma of being injured or confronted by an active shooter, as well as the loss and grief of losing someone in their life to an active shooter. Trauma that will endure for generations and extend into adulthood. The Washington Post reported more than 230 mass shootings in the United States since the beginning of 2022 (Ledur & Rabinowitz, 2022). Churches, schools, grocery stores, hospitals, and medical office buildings are becoming places of fear, loss, and grief.

Children around the world are also being impacted by violence. UNICEF recently shared that more than 3 million children still inside Ukraine and 2.2 million children who now live as refugees need humanitarian assistance (2022). The displacement of so many children is also leading to a lack of educational and healthcare opportunities as well as increased risks for family separation and trafficking (UNICEF, 2022).

Healthcare workers from the Ukraine have shared these insights:

  • “I am tired of all of this. I am very scared.”  
  • “I am confused. I don’t know what to do.”
  • “It is quiet here now but at any moment everything can change…especially when the alarm sounds.” 
  • “The uncertainty is annoying.” 
  • “Sometimes you forget about the war…. but there is no confidence in the future. Very often you feel guilty. Guilty that in your region you have everything and have relative silence while others do not.” “There must be peace in the heart so as to not panic.”
  • “Every day of the war is long time, and we want it to end as soon as possible.” 
  • “I am safe now and your prayers gave me strength to go through all this fear.  I can now safely respond to this message. The way was difficult. I saw broken tanks, burnt cars, houses, rockets stuck in the asphalt. There were many checkpoints and soldiers with machine guns.”
  • “I pray and dream about peace.”  “I hope on God and Ukrainian army.” 
  • “Now the air alarm sirens sound. I will get on my knees.” 
  • “Yes, the Lord has given me this ministry. These people are suffering from both physical pain and loneliness. We are trying to help them with our love.”
  • “How does it feel to be on your guard all the time, to hold your prayer sword?  We don’t sleep well, always on our knees asking for protection…”

As nurses and believers, our hearts are heavy. So many emotions swirl inside our hearts and minds.  May this prayer offered by Henri Nouwen (2022) guide us as we pray for and serve communities both near and far. God, hear our cries.

Dear God,

Speak gently in my silence.

When the loud outer noises of my surroundings

and the loud inner noises of my fears

keep pulling me away from you,

help me to trust that you are still there

even when I am unable to hear you.

Give me ears to listen to your small, soft voice saying:

“Come to me, you who are overburdened, and I will give you rest . . .

for I am gentle and humble of heart.” Let that loving voice be my guide.


Christy Secor RN, DNP, CDWF, NCF Professional Ministries Director


Ledur, J., & Rabinowitz, K. (2022, June 2). There have been over 200 mass shootings so far in 2022. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/06/02/mass-shootings-in-2022/

Nouwen, H. (2022, May 31). Meditation: A prayer. https://henrinouwen.org/meditations/a-prayer-4/

UNICEF. (2022, May 31). One hundred days of war in Ukraine have left 5.2 million children in need of humanitarian assistance. https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/one-hundred-days-war-ukraine-have-left-52-million-children-need-humanitarian

You can download the June Prayer and Praise Calendar here: June 2022 Prayer Calendar.pdf

June Prayer Calendar

  • June 1 – We give thanks to God for the outreach and support experienced through NCF’s May Nurses Month events like the Twin Cities Hope in the Darkness webinar, our Sunday Night of Prayer, special blogs, and Bible studies to encourage and support students, faculty, and nurses in holding onto hope in the challenges faced in their faith and practice.
  • June 2 – Four NCF team members (Kathy Schoonover-Shoffner, Jen Wojtysiak, Katharine Provost, and Christy Secor) recently completed InterVarsity’s Diversity Training called SHIFT to help us learn how to love and serve well across ethnic, gender, generational, and other differences. Pray that we can grow in the ability to effectively serve students and nurses from many ethnicities, genders, and generations.
  • June 3 – Please pray for the Christian Connections for International Health virtual conference, https://www.ccih.org/events/, that will be taking place throughout the month of June to the prayer calendar.  This year’s theme is Loving Our Neighbor: A Christian Response to a Changing World and promises to be thought-provoking, encouraging as well as giving insight into current best practices in international health. Translation into French and Spanish will be available. 
  • June 4 – Thank God with NCF as we celebrate one year of using the new RegFox membership management system. Auto-renewal of membership began June 1, which we pray will help NCF retain more members and grow our membership numbers.
  • June 5 – Pray for wisdom, direction, and the leading of the Holy Spirit as NCF’s Student Ministries team develops a devotional series for students that will be shared this summer. Pray for it to have a strong impact in the lives of students.
  • June 6 – The July/September issue of the Journal of Christian Nursing releases online today and the print issue mails June 10. Ask God to use this issue to bless and encourage students, nurses, and educators.
  • June 7 – We are blessed to have ARhonda Osborne join NCF’s Professional Ministries team as a provisional appointee in the role of Nurse Campus Minister. Pray for ARhonda as she begins inviting others to partner with her in raising her financial and prayer support.
  • June 8 – Pray for God’s leading and direction for new professional nurse groups that are forming. We ask for strong leadership teams and discernment regarding the needs of nurses in their areas. Pray also for current groups that have been impacted by the pandemic and are beginning to reform. We ask that nurses would be drawn to each of our professional nurse groups.
  • June 9 – Pray for Rowan Kulp and Jenny Choi as they joined NCF staff on June 1. They will be working on marketing and communications to support the student, professional, and publications ministries of NCF. Ask God to bless and encourage Rowan and Jenny and facilitate quick learning and confidence in their new roles!
  • June 10 – Pray for Cathy Walker, Senior Associate Editor, as she leaves the Journal of Christian Nursing team after 20 years of faithful service. Ask Jesus to give grace, joy, and encouragement as he leads Cathy in new paths for her life.
  • June 11 – Pray for Kathy Leong, one of the leaders of the Castro Valley/East Bay professional nurse group, as she shares her story and the impact of the NCF in her practice as part of the Workplace 313 Forum. Pray for God to use her story in mighty ways for his glory!
  • June 12 – Pray for the JCN team who have worked closely with Cathy as we adjust and learn to work as a different team. Pray for wisdom and discernment in how to best fill Cathy’s role/duties at the journal. Ask God for clear thinking and cohesive teamwork. Pray that the journal will consistently reflect biblical truth and honor God while effectively serving nurses, educators, students, and the profession as a whole.
  • June 13 – Ask God to increase our membership and help NCF staff serve our members well.
  • June 14 – Please pray for Baker University School of Nursing to have someone step up and take a leadership role within their student NCF group.
  • June 15 – NCF’s 2022 Directory of Christian Nursing Schools will release with the July/September JCN. Ask God to use the Directory to guide potential students to Christian schools where he wants to teach and develop them into his nurses.
  • June 16 – Pray for encouragement among nursing students, faculty, and NCF student volunteers at California State University Fresno.
  • June 17 – June 30 ends InterVarsity and NCF’s fiscal year. As of late May, NCF needed additional giving of around $50,000 to complete the year well. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead those he is calling to give generously. Ask God to accomplish his financial plan for the end of the 2021-2022 fiscal year.
  • June 18 – Pray for NCF’s new mentorship program where we are working to match new graduates with older nurses for mentoring and support. Ask God to bring both mentors and mentees!
  • June 19 – Pray that Anderson University would continue to reach students throughout their School of Nursing. Pray for strong student leadership.
  • June 20 – Pray for NCF staff who are facing personal challenges with their health as well as the physical, emotional, and mental health needs of family members they support and provide care for. Pray for strength, self-care, rest, and a strong support system for each of us. Pray for us to trust and lean deeply on Jesus as our Good Shepherd who seeks us out when we are in distress.
  • June 21 – We lift up nursing students at Biola to find rest amid burnout and challenges.
  • June 22 – We ask God to continue to be in the planning and preparations for the CANA Regional Conference that will take place virtually on October 15, 2022, on the topic Evidence-Based Spiritual Care in Nursing Practice. Pray for the speakers as they prepare and for God to use this webinar to equip and strengthen our knowledge as well as to recognize the opportunities that exist in providing spiritual care to individuals, families, and communities in our care.
  • June 23 – Pray for wisdom, insight, and direction from God as NCF staff prepare for July’s Journal Club and August’s Tabletop Discussion. We ask God to speak through those who share to help us to grow in our faith and our practice.
  • June 24 – Pray for the incoming leaders at Belmont University, Bethel University (Liz and Maddie), and Case Western Reserve University.
  • June 25 – Today Kathy Schoonover-Shoffner, NCF National Director, will be speaking on nursing ethics at the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity conference in Deerfield, Illinois. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak through Kathy and encourage those in attendance.
  • June 26 – Intercede for new nursing graduates who are entering professional practice. Pray for safety and good colleagues who can help these new grads learn and grow.
  • June 27 – Pray for students and faculty at Bloomsburg University to have strength in a season of change.
  • June 28 – We praise God for the incredible men and women of faith who make up our growing number of professional nurse groups and their leaders. Grant wisdom and connection for those nurse group leaders as we gather tonight for our monthly Zoom call. We praise God for the heart and faith of each leader to see others deepen or begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for God to encourage us for what he sees as possible through these groups.
  • June 29 – We continue to intercede for hurting nurses who are struggling on many fronts with work, family, and their personal mental, spiritual, and emotional health. Ask God to lead them into quiet times with him and to bring them into fellowship with those who can support them.
  • June 30 – We ask God to help Berea College students to balance school, work, family, self, and God with a greater focus on time with God.