In This Issue:
- Our Prayer for You This Fall
- Resources for Fall
- Thrive: Getting Ready For Nursing School
- Rep NCF on Campus!
- Let's Get Social!
- NCF Membership Supports You & Your Students
Our Prayer for You This Fall
Katharine Provost, BS, MA • NCF National Campus Staff Minister
After last year, it is hard to think about what the campus and NCF will look like this fall. We are so thankful you are ready to embrace ministry to help nursing students establish a foundation of faith. The great news is that the Holy Spirit is already at work ahead of you!
As you do the work of New Student Outreach; putting out signs, inviting, talking to students about NCF, planning activities and meetings, it may not be easy to imagine what will come of your efforts. We pray that this work is not work as the world would imagine, but a joy as you co-labor with God in something that is new every year. We pray this joy is contagious, drawing nursing students toward God and that by God’s favor, your work is established.
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us--yes, establish the work of our hands.” Psalm 90:17
Resources for Fall
Students will be hungry for meaningful community and we want to help you reach them! Some may have questions about how to frame losses and disappointments from last year, others will want to blot the past out and move on. Some will be excited to get together while others will have a hard time being in groups. Whatever the situation, NCF can be a place of welcome if we recognize where people are and have tools to help us care for them. We are in this with you and have resources to help:
- Click here to find a variety of New Student Outreach (NSO) resources and ideas.
- Even if you’ve done it for years, you might be able to find some fresh ideas for connecting with students here.
- Check out our new Bible Studies specifically created to connect faith with nursing.
- Would you like some coaching? Email us and we can set up a time to meet over Zoom.

Thrive: Getting Ready For Nursing School
We have put together a plug and play video designed for you to hold an event for incoming nursing students lasting about 2.5 hours. The event includes student testimonials,worship, a keynote speaker, small group breakout sessions, and individual reflection time. Here is the link to the video and Leader Guide (including small group and personal reflection questions). Please contact Katharine with any questions at katharine.provost@intervarsity.org
Rep NCF on Campus!
Grab some swag to promote NCF on your campus and community! We have t-shirts, water bottles, hand sanitizer, stickers, and more!
Let's Get Social!
Share the joys and struggles with other NCF chapters around the country with our NCF Student Leaders and Faculty Advisors Facebook group. This is a private page where you can ask questions of others in NCF leadership, share prayer requests/stories/pictures, and see what is happening in NCF. Follow us on Instagram, @NCFStudentMinistry

NCF Membership Supports You & Your Students
We want to support and encourage you as you lead NCF! To show you our gratitude, we’ve increased the discount for faculty advisors on NCF Membership to just $30.
We also have a new option to purchase memberships for your group at a discounted student rate of $30 for print and online JCN. You receive one free faculty membership when you buy 10 memberships for students at one time. Learn more here.
In Christ,