Devotional • Campus Stories • Leaders Corner • Faculty Corner • Upcoming Opportunities
When we’re anxious or discouraged, God reminds us to put our hope in Him. When we hope in God, we look upward and focus on the future with an eager anticipation of what God can and will do. Find Hope for the New Year in this brief devotional.
Did you know that 48 nursing students made decisions to follow Jesus last fall through NCF ministry? We rejoice in these new lives dedicated to God and to nursing. At the end of last semester, we received amazing reports from chapter leaders on how they saw God at work. Check out these exciting highlights from NCF chapters across the country.
NCF chapters are required to affiliate with the national movement annually. Affiliation gains your chapter access to valuable resources such as use of the NCF logo, graduation cords, and conference scholarships. Check your chapter’s affiliation status here. If your chapter is not affiliated, complete the affiliation application here.
In response to the Fall Chapter Survey 2017, many of you asked how to identify and train new leaders for next year. Here is a step-by-step leadership development process, Mentoring New Leaders.
Thank you for serving as a faculty advisor! You play a crucial role in the ministry of NCF on campus. Different faculty advisors play different roles depending on the chapter’s needs, but they share some common responsibilities. We encourage you to take a moment to review your main responsibilities here.

You are invited to the NCF North America Regional (NCFI-CANA) Conference this summer, July 19-22, 2018, at Azusa Pacific University in California.
Hear from amazing plenary speakers, choose from a range of seminars, network with Christian nurses and nursing students, and connect with other NCF chapters across the country!
There will be specific breakout sessions for student leaders to receive coaching and training in their leadership roles. Consider sending one or more student leaders from your chapter. Contact ncf@intervarsity.org for scholarship assistance.