If your chapter is not affiliated with NCF, learn why it is beneficial for NCF groups to affiliate with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and how you can start the process at Why Affiliate? Please contact the NCF office before taking any next steps.
To renew your affiliation, complete InterVarsity’s easy-to-use online Application for Chapter Affiliation and return to NCF.
Why is your NCF ministry on campus important? This vimeo highlights what matters to InterVarsity and NCF. Everything matters! Show it to your group members to cast vision for how you can make a difference as students who love Jesus. If you're curious about the relationship between NCF and InterVarsity, see NCF FAQs.

Actively Respond
How do you respond to hearing God's Word? Use the NCF Discipleship Cycle with your core leadership team to talk about action steps you can take individually or as a group to follow God's leading in your mission on campus. Check out some Reaching Out resources and share other ideas you may have.
This InterVarsity blog post has ideas that will open your mind and heart to the wider purposes of God on your campus. Check out other blog posts from InterVarsity's Collegiate Ministries on the importance of following up with new students you have contact with.

Pass on Leadership

One mark of being a leader is being able to equip others to lead well. Look around for students who have a vision for campus ministry and do well in offering hospitality, doing evangelism, leading Bible study, etc. Invite them to be an "apprentice" alongside you and learn from you as you lead. Listen to their ideas and include them in planning and carrying out the various responsibilities necessary to make your chapter run smoothly. The more involved people are, the more committed they will be and your chapter will be healthier.
Join with students from every nation to pray for God's Kingdom to come on every campus in the world. Sign up and read suggestions for how your NCF group can get involved. World Student Day is sponsored by the International Fellowship of International Students, the global ministry partners of NCF and InterVarsity.

New Student Outreaches Successful
NCF chapters are off to a strong start this year. We are excited to have at least 7 chapters reactivating. Many groups have held New Student Outreach events where they've encountered a lot of student interest. Augustana University in SD held an ice cream social and 31 students came! Their next step is a meeting to set up small group Bible studies.
Do you want to be a part of abolishing modern day slavery through the power of the Gospel? The Price of Life is an InterVarsity-sponsored event coming to the greater NYC area this October. Over 100 events will be held on 17 campuses. There will be healthcare specific events on 4 campuses. Please join us in praying for the logistical details, speakers, and impact this will have on campuses in NYC.
Consider attending the Global Missions Health Conference on November 7-9, 2013. More details at NCF events.