What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus in nursing?
• Discipleship Cycle: Follow Jesus into mission with a community that hears God’s Word, actively respond to what God is saying and integrates it as growing disciples of the Lord.
• As you meet to plan the year for your chapter, use the NCF Chapter Care Plan and the Bible study, “Testing the Soil of Nursing School.” Expand your vision and learn how you can assess, plan, implement and evaluate your ministry.

• One of the best ways to start reaching out to your classmates is through New Student Outreach (NSO). Here are some ideas to get you started.
• New Student Outreach is your opportunity to be a part of God’s redemptive plan for new students and your campus. Pray and expect more from God this year. Doug Schaupp, InterVarsity staff, explains why your chapter's efforts for NSO may just be your finest hour!

• Check out the Student TXT Topical Collection from the Journal of Christian Nursing. You’ll discover free articles with short, easy-to-use devotionals, inspiring stories, and other ideas to discuss at your NCF meetings.
• Invite your friends to investigate how the Bible is relevant to nursing school by using the “What’s Vital?” Bible studies series.

• Get the big picture of NCF student groups last year.
• Praise God for 21 students, family, friends and patients who came to Christ through the ministry of NCF last year! How? Students said that they simply invited friends who continued to come and ask questions. Students also discovered that patients were open to discussions about the Lord.
• Last year Eastern University had a “Scripture swap”. Corinne, the faculty advisor, said, “I had a bulletin board outside of our skills lab for students to post their favorite Scripture on a post-it note. Then I invited both students and faculty to take one of the postings and make that Scripture their own.” What a great way to encourage others with Bible verses that are meaningful to you.