The end of the school year is in sight, and you may be looking for creative ways to wrap up your NCF group experience.
Enjoy remembering and celebrating what God has done during this season together in nursing school with these ideas from InterVarsity’s campus website, StudentSoul.org.
Are you looking for ways to honor this year’s graduates in your NCF chapter?
Here are some suggestions and ideas to express your appreciation for them and send them out with a blessing as they begin their nursing careers.

Don’t forget: Special Offer for Graduating Seniors!
Your seniors may be leaving campus, but they don’t have to leave NCF! They can stay connected to NCF throughout their nursing careers. We’re offering the following resources which are available by completing this online form:
When you want it … where you want it … the way you want it.
Check out the NEWJournal of Christian Nursing! Just download JCN to your iPad and take advantage of this award-winning journal that integrates faith and nursing practice. This free introductory offer is for a limited time only. Download the free app at iTunes and give JCN a try, then keep the Journal coming year-round by joining NCF or subscribing to JCN.
Check out past issues: