Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQs Nursing Students Nurses Membership

General FAQs

What is NCF and what do you do?

Since 1948, Nurses Christian Fellowship has partnered with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship with a vision to see nurses, students and educators know and follow Jesus in nursing and live out his world-changing purposes in their lives. NCF provides resources and support to help nurses and students grow in their faith, develop as leaders, and view nursing from a Christian, biblical perspective.

We offer local groups, professional membership, mentoring, and the Journal of Christian Nursing (JCN)—in publication for over 40 years! Additionally, there are opportunities for ANCC approved NCPD through JCN and our Journal Clubs.

How can I be involved with NCF?

There are several ways to be involved:

How is NCF funded?

Nurses Christian Fellowship is a donor-supported ministry of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Our dedicated staff members raise full financial support with a team of ministry partners who encourage them and pray for God’s work among nurses, nursing students and nurse educators. Learn more about NCF ministry and how you can give to NCF.

What are the guidelines for using the NCF logo or name?

Many groups use "Nurses Christian Fellowship" as part of their chapter name for greater name recognition. Nurses Christian Fellowship®, NCF®, and the NCF logo are official NCF trademarks. If your group chooses to use the name "Nurses Christian Fellowship", the acronym "NCF", or the NCF logo in any format, you must follow the NCF name and logo use policy and keep your affiliation with NCF up-to-date. Your use of these names and/or the logo indicate that your chapter shares in the mission of NCF and in its doctrinal basis.  

Please contact NCF for permission for use of NCF or for questions.

What is the relationship between NCF and Intervarsity Christian Fellowship USA?

Nurses Christian Fellowship is a focused ministry of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF). Read more about our history here.

What is the relationship between NCF and NCF International?

NCF/USA is a member country of Nurses Christian Fellowship International and supports NCFI’s efforts to advance Christian nursing across the world. Read more about NCFI here.


Nursing Students

What resources are available to help me as a nursing student?

We have lots of resources to help students! Here are the main ones:

  • Join a LOCAL NCF chapter
  • Join a VIRTUAL NCF chapter
  • Resources/coaching to start an NCF group on your campus
  • Discipleship/mentoring
  • Professional membership with Nurses Christian Fellowship

To get connected, fill out this form and get plugged into our Student Ministry team! If you have more questions about resources, check out our page about Student Ministry or email us at

What are NCF Student Chapters?

NCF student chapters are groups that meet across the country where nursing students comes together to learn about how to follow Jesus in Nursing. We would love to talk with you or connect you to a group, reach out to us here!

How do I find a Student Chapter?

You can find a student chapter by reaching out to us or checking out this page with available student groups!

What if there is not a Student Chapter near me?

While Nurses Christian Fellowship is not on every nursing school campus, you can be a part of our mission by helping plant a new group on your campus! Email us at for more information.

I need to be a professional member of NCF to be a part of a student group?

Nope! You are able to participate in a student or nurse group without a professional membership, however as a student you can join at a discounted price of just $30 / year.



What resources are available to help support me in nursing?

NCF offers a multitude of resources for nurses, including Local Groups, Bible Studies, Prayer & Encouragement, Spiritual Care Resources, and the Journal of Christian Nursing.

Local Groups

Because nursing is so demanding, we encourage local NCF groups to gather for encouragement, prayer, nursing specific Bible study, and outreach to other nurses who need support. Groups meet across the country in-person and online.

Bible Studies

Check out NCF Bible study resources to help you dig deeper into God's Word for your spiritual enrichment. Discover how following Jesus can make a difference in your nursing.

Prayer & Encouragement

We offer weekly Sunday Night Prayer for people to gather and spend time together. You are very welcome to join us! If you need prayer, you can submit requests here.

Spiritual Care Resources

Caring for spiritual needs is an essential part of quality nursing care for the whole person. Nurses can learn how to assess a person’s spiritual health and give appropriate spiritual care with these resources.

If you have more questions about how to discuss your faith at work, please check out the Journal of Christian Nursing, where our collection “FAQs in Spiritual Care” answers many of the most asked questions about sharing faith in nursing settings.

What are nurse groups?

Nurses Christian Fellowship’s nurse groups are nurses that meet across the country to support one another in following Jesus in Nursing. These are great places to find encouragement, and we would love to connect you with a group. Please email us at

How do I find a nurse group?

You can look at this page to find a group near you or email us at to get connected.

What if there is no nurse group near me?

Nurses Christian Fellowship is a national organization, if there are no groups near you, you can join an online group or be a part of our mission by helping plant a group in your area! Email us at for more information.

Do I need to be a professional member of NCF to be a part of a nurse group?

Nope! You can participate in a student or nurse group without a professional membership.


Professional Membership

What are the benefits of NCF Professional membership?

There are lots of benefits, too many to list in a small paragraph! Check out our Members’ Benefits page for a full list of everything that comes with a professional membership.

How do I become a member or gift a membership?

You can join here. There are options to become a member or gift a membership! NCF membership is one of the lowest priced professional memberships available – ranging from just $64 to $79 a year depending on what options you choose.

How do I renew or cancel my membership?

With one-year membership, your renewal date is one year from the day you joined. Within 89 days before your membership is due to expire, you can renew online or send a check with your completed paper renewal form to: NCF Membership, P.O. Box 7895, Madison, WI 53707. We'll send you reminders.

If you need to cancel your NCF auto renewal, please email us at

Where can I find or change my membership information?

Go to Member Benefits and you'll see the words “Verify your Membership” and a box to enter your membership number or email you registered with. An email will immediately be sent with your membership number and details that you can use to verify your professional membership.

If you need to change any information, please email us at

How can I access JCN?

You can learn more about the Journal of Christian Nursing on this page, as well as how to access it online.

How do I get the NCPD (Nursing Continuing Professional Development) from JCN with my membership discount?

Instructions for taking a JCN Nursing Continuing Professional Development (CE) test online:

  • Find the 30% off discount code for JCN and all other Lippincott NCPD under Member Benefits and NCPD Discounts.
  • Read the article. The test for every JCN CE activity can be taken online at Find the test under the article title. You will need to create a username and password and login to your personal CE Planner account before taking online tests. Your free planner will keep track of all your online CE activities for you.
  • The 30% discount code also applies to NCPD tests for all other Lippincott journals!
  • NOTE:  NCF does not manage Lippincott's CEConnection websites. You must email for help. 
  • There is only one correct answer for each question. A passing score for tests is 70% correct. If you pass, you can print your certificate of earned contact hours and access the answer key. If you fail, you have the option of taking the test again at no additional cost.
  • NCPD tests also are available for viewing at in the table of contents for each issue in which the NCPD article appears.
  • Visit for other NCPD activities and your personalized planner tool.
  • For questions, contact Lippincott Williams & Wilkins: 1-800-787-8985.

Lippincott Professional Development (LPD) is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Each CE activity is also provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 11749. LPD is also provider approved by boards on nursing in District of Columbia (50-1223) and Florida (50-1223) and Georgia Board of Nursing (50-1223). Your certificate is valid in all states.

Lippincott Professional Development American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation status does not imply that ANCC endorses or approves any commercial product presented.