Life & Work

Vocational discipleship

Nurse, mental health resource specialist, and Bible study creator Skip McDonald reaches the milepost of 45 years in nursing this year. In this continuation of last week’s blog about her life and professional journey, Skip inspires us as nurses and followers of Jesus.

Wonder, wisdom, weathering harsh treatment, and holding to the Word: One nurse’s journey demonstrates the power and pleasure of walking with God.

Hard times and suffering aren’t merely awful—God can produce GOOD through these when we exercise spiritual resilience.

Nurses are natural innovators, and this pandemic has presented multiple windows of opportunity for nurses to create and cultivate better nursing practices and workplaces.

When slogging through long days while holding off fears and the unknown can resemble an over-long hike around a marshy lagoon, hold onto invincible hope.

In the crazy-busy days of nursing care, forms of prayer that are crisp and concise can sustain, nourish, and center us in ways that can be folded into the relentless movement of the day.

What makes us lovable? Not approval, achievement, or societal worth, but God’s breath that has given us life.

Why connect regularly with other Christian nurses? A nurse describes the lasting outcomes in her nursing and personal life as a result of being part of an NCF nurse group.

As we nurses and Christians strive for health equity, which can seem distant and unachievable, we remember that God is always working and we’re invited to join in that work.

Leaping forward with faith, a group of nursing students in Maryland engages their classmates with a creative conversation-starter on self-care.
