Why have an NCF group

Local NCF Groups:

• bring hope and purpose to our personal and professional lives.

• provide encouragement and community as we seek to care for others with the compassion of Christ.

Just as coals in a fire smolder when they are separated, isolated nurses are more easily discouraged. Christ offers the precious gift of Christian community, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them" (Matt. 18:20). It is a privilege to know God through Jesus Christ - to know Jesus' love, forgiveness, hope, and sense of purpose in difficult times. And we have the honor of making Christ known through our actions and words -- among our colleagues, patients/clients and their families.

Read Isaiah 42:1-9 and reflect on what will happen in nursing and healthcare as the Lord is made known. Christ's ministry in healthcare today is strengthened as believers are linked together.

If you would like to connect with us and learn more please fill out our connection form! If you have other questions check out our FAQ page, or email us at NCF@intervarsity.org.