This page includes all the resources you could ever need as a nursing student in an NCF chapter! The resources are divided into sections based on the stage of development for your chapter. Find resources on planting a new chapter, recruiting new students, and developing leaders. Information for staff is available at the bottom of the page.
Planting a Chapter
NCF Out of the Bag has all you need to plant and sustain a thriving student group. Reach out to NCF Student Ministry at before you download so we can support you in your journey!
This is an interactive PDF that includes all the resources needed to run a chapter! This includes: Bible Studies, Discipleship, Leadership Development, Timeline, Partnership, and Funding!
NCF is Out of the Bag | Nurses Christian Fellowship
Faculty and Student Group Expectations
This is a document that states all expectations of our student groups. This includes affiliation with Nurses Christian Fellowship, and the agreements when you form a student group.
NCF Faculty and Student Group Expectations
Outreach and Recruiting
Outreach and Recruitment Resources
This page includes all information you need to recruit new students to your chapter! This includes: training on New Student Outreach, recruitment, and publicity resources!
New Student Outreach | Nurses Christian Fellowship
Developing Leaders and Students
Mentorship for New Graduates
NCF offers a mentorship program, where nursing students who have graduated are paired with a mentor for their first year of nursing! This page discusses how to join the program, what to expect, and guidelines for participating.
Mentorship | Nurses Christian Fellowship
We are here for you!
We appreciate our NCF leaders for creating a space for nursing students to know and follow Jesus, and want to support you in that. You are not alone! You are part of a national movement that has resources and guidance to help your chapter grow and thrive. If you would like to connect to discuss starting a chapter on your campus or for a coaching call, email to get connected with our staff!
If you are looking for a resource you can't find, contact NCF.