Ministry to Nursing Students
As InterVarsity staff, you have unique opportunities to equip and train nursing students to follow Jesus in nursing.
“InterVarsity has been the biggest part of my college career. It’s where I met some very dear friends, grew into a leader (which I NEVER thought I was!), and got into a relationship with the Lord that has changed my life. My life is for Jesus now, and God worked so powerfully through the ministry of InterVarsity to do that.”
--Megan, senior nursing major
Here are tips, strategies and resources to help you reach and influence other nursing students like Megan.
A quick reference guide as you consider how God might be calling you to the nursing corner of campus. Includes 6 reasons to consider planting in the nursing corner and 6 important traits of nursing students.
Sample Letter
Here is a sample letter to send to nursing schools requesting to add NCF as a student group on campus! Please make sure you replace all bold text in the letter with relevant campus & personal information.
As you look around your campus for Christian faculty, check out the nursing school! Christians have been leaders in healthcare education for centuries. Like other faculty, they appreciate an encouraging word and supportive partnerships. Here are personal, spiritual and academic resources for nurse educators.
The Journal of Christian Nursing is a quarterly periodical, published by InterVarsity, that provides a broad range of clinical, ethical and professional nursing topics — all from a biblical perspective. Learn more about how to promote and use this valuable resource on campus with nursing students and faculty. InterVarsity staff can receive a significant discount on JCN with the purchase of an NCF membership.
Before embarking on ministry with nursing students, there are some things you need to know about the unique culture of nursing school and the students there.
NCF Nursing Students: Invited to Care from InterVarsity twentyonehundred on Vimeo.