Nurses Week is around the corner, so start planning now for how to fulfill your group’s purpose of reaching out to others in the nursing community. This year’s theme is “Nursing: The Balance of Mind, Body and Spirit.”
NCF has special resources, ideas and prayer guides for planning and promoting a variety of events. A Bible-based discussion on the theme will be available soon.
⇒This is a great opportunity to invite co-workers to see how the Bible applies to nursing and how God wants us to live a healthy life in body, mind and spirit.
After years of faithful service, Bonnie Hann will be transitioning out of the NCF nurse ministry role to focus fully on student ministry growth. NCF staff Shelley Soceka will respond to inquiries from nurses who want to connect with a group or start a new group. Kathy Schoonover- Shoffner, NCF Director, will also facilitate nurse ministry.
WE’RE HIRING! We are looking for a Director of Professional Ministries who can support and grow nurse ministry. If you or someone you know might be interested, please see the position description.
⇒Please pray for an expanded ministry to nurses.
The Value of NCF Membership
As a leader of an NCF group, please keep your professional NCF membership up-to-date so that you can benefit from the Journal of Christian Nursing and our monthly member newsletter. Then you can pass on this information to those in your group and encourage them to become members as well. (If you’re not a member, you can join here.)
The Journal of Christian Nursing has articles that center on hot topics in nursing for your group discussions, such as:
Free online access to articles that are relevant to many areas of nursing is also a benefit of membership, along with CE discounts.
⇒Spread the word about the value of NCF membership!