In This Issue:
NCF Twin Cities Webinar Oct 19th
Looking for relationship? Join NCF Twin Cities on October 19th at 7 pm Central for Who Is Going to Care for Me? Addressing the Challenges We Face in Our Profession Today. The past 18 months of the pandemic, many have experienced isolation, stress, and trauma. The challenges we face physically, emotionally, and spiritually continue. How do we better care for ourselves and for each other? In this online webinar, you’ll receive open, honest conversation and practical tools to strengthen and encourage you. We’ll also explore how our connection to each other and our faith can provide support and presence. You must register for this free event. Open to all nurses. NCPD for MN nurses only; others can request a Certificate of Attendance.
Journal Club Nov 4th
More than 60% of adults have a history of at least one adverse childhood experience (ACE); many have at least four ACEs. Unresolved childhood trauma predisposes to substance and alcohol abuse, obesity, mental health issues, chronic illnesses, and cancer. Join article author Britt Cole, ACE expert Cathy Koetting, and JCN editors on Thursday, November 4, 7:00 pm Central via Zoom to discuss Recognizing the Trauma of Adverse Childhood Experiences (October/December 2021 JCN), and gain a better understanding of ACEs, how to provide sensitive care after an ACE, and how adults who were traumatized as children can still thrive. FREE to NCF members, 1.5 NCPD hours. Join the conversation and register HERE.
Tabletop Discussion Dec 13th
Our next Tabletop Discussion is December 13th at 7 pm Central: The Spiritual Discipline of Lament – Drawing Closer to God Through the Difficulties We Face. Join us as we explore the need for lament and how we can begin to incorporate this practice in all we encounter as nurses both personally and professionally. Register HERE for this FREE member event. No NCPD offered.
Inviting Others In
Jessica Harper • NCF Marketing & Communications Manager
Our family has recently undergone a lot of transition. We moved into a new home. My husband started a new job. Our two kids started at a new preschool. And we’re expecting our third child in just two months! In the midst of it all, God has been calling us into gospel hospitality.
Hospitality is something that all Christians are called to; in fact, it’s a way of life for the believer that includes loving your neighbor, taking care of the “least of these,” and according to the gospel of Luke, welcoming into your home those who can’t repay you (Matthew 25:40, Luke 14:12-14).
Continue reading this devotional about intentional invitations here.
Helpful Webinars and Events
NCF maintains an Events webpage that offers a nice variety of upcoming conferences to help you plan for learning and refreshment! Explore HERE and discover online conferences such as NorthPark University's annual Disability and the Church, the 2021 Global Missions Health Conference, the 2022 Westberg Symposium, and the April 2022 in-person East Texas NCF Retreat: Refresh.
Explore All Membership Offers!
Membership gives you lots of professional and personal benefits--from the Journal of Christian Nursing to free and discounted professional development hours; from discounted products for nurses to downloadable Bible studies. Find a complete list with links to all your member benefits HERE. (Hint: Check out the cool new NCF PENLIGHT at 15% off using code RELATIONSHIP.) Know that NCF is always looking for ways to support you!
Keep Praying...
NCF offers many opportunities to join together in fellowship and prayer. Check out these possibilities below: