In This Issue:
Follow My Example: Faculty Advisor Pipeline
Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ -1 Corinthians 11:1
It is easy to become focused on the things that need our immediate attention and NCF groups are no exception. When I think of this verse (1 Corinthians 11:1) though, it reminds me to slow down, look around, and be intentional about those who may need someone to guide them toward Christ -- not only in a daily walk, but as a leader. Investing in future leaders (student and faculty) is one of these areas that can easily be put off until there is a need. But what if we embracedinvesting in leaders as an opportunity to be blessed and see one another flourish? This is how raising up leaders can be seen in our NCF vision as we help students and faculty to be:
Encouraged- There will always be a level of fear in those who we invite to consider leadership and much of this fear is around not knowing what they are capable of! So many times someone just needs a chance to try, and practice, in a safe environment. They may need someone in their corner to cheer them on and help them try something challenging to discover their gifts. See Proverbs 24:6
Equipped- Take away the illusion that some are born with leadership skills. None of us have all the answers, but great leaders have had other leaders who consistently remind them to look to how Jesus led, and help them find the appropriate resources to do so. What has helped you to feel equipped to lead that you can pass on to someone else? Be sure they know there are plenty of NCF resources so they are not needing to create their own! See Ephesians 4:11-12
Empowered- Be attentive to God's nudges for future leaders. It may surprise you to feel the Holy Spirit calling you to invest in someone who does not seem to be a "natural leader", or very eager. Maybe God has uniquely gifted someone in ways that they are not yet aware of, but you can be the one who helps them see. See Romans 12:3-8
We are not called to serve alone (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10) or in the same capacity forever but we are called to follow the example of Jesus to encourage, equip, and empower others to be all that they can which means guiding some to share leadership. If this feels like an impossible endeavor, know that you are not alone in it! Plan ahead and hand off the leadership baton well. Bring someone in early, before you leave, model and mentor them, and don’t forget to hand off important information and material. Reach out to NCF with any questions.
For Your Information: What You Need to Know From Student Ministry This Month
You have a lot going on as you wrap up your semester. We want to support you and help your NCF group end the semester well.
- We will be sending a separate email to walk through how we can partner together to support our graduating nurses! The email will include our graduating senior form and information about our NEW Mentorship program being offered for new grads! Watch your inbox!
- It's not too soon to get a jump on fall New Student Outreach (NSO) planning.
- May: Pray with your leaders and put a plan in action before you break for the summer. Check out the resources.
- June and July: Pray
- August: Reach out to new students, connect on social media, host a table in the nursing department welcoming them to campus and inviting them to NCF.
Your Voices: Instagram- Faith Edgell, University of South Alabama
Nurses Christian Fellowship on the University of South Alabama (USA) campus grew exponentially over the course of just a few months. Our organization went from having five participants at every meeting to never having less than 20! Can I get an Amen?! While all glory and honor of this amazing growth goes to the Lord, we also believe that our efforts of reaching out to students via social media has played a large role.
Creating our Instagram profile was simple! After the account was up and running, we started following people who had been to NCF meetings. Shortly after, we started following people who were in our nursing program, and it just grew from there. While Instagram (IG) can be used in many ways to promote NCF, we primarily use IG to remind participants of meeting dates and times and to introduce them to the speakers for each week. To keep these posts interactive, we typically tag 20 students in the post each week just to be sure they are seeing it and occasionally we use the poll feature to add some fun. Another way in which we interact on Instagram is by posting prayer requests we have received in our prayer request box. This helps our students to know that they are loved, heard, and being prayed for. In addition to our prayer box, our members know they are welcome to message our Instagram at any time, and our leadership team will be readily available to talk.
We believe that our social media can help us form fellowship with our classmates outside of our normal meeting times. As a group, it helps the students in our organization be reassured they are not alone in the struggles they are facing throughout nursing school (and just college life in general, if we’re being honest). Follow us! @ncf_usa
Get NCF Honor Cords!
Celebrate your graduates with an NCF honor cord available at the InterVarsity store. Be sure to always use discount code RELATIONSHIP to get 15% off on NCF branded items!

It’s National Nurses Month - JOIN NCF!
Check out our new National Nurses Month website to find incredible new Bible studies and discounts on membership for National Nurses Month!
All nurses, retirees, students, and NCF Leaders can join NCF at 20% off May 1-31, 2022 using the coupon code NNW22. Faculty advisors, join on your special discounted page (email NCF@intervarsity.org for the password). Student leaders join here.
If you're already an NCF member, share this offer with friends (and earn a chance for a $50 Amazon gift card!):
- Tell friends to go to NCF-JCN.ORG and click on "Join Nurses Chrstian Fellowship" and choose a membership option
- Ask your friend to put YOUR NAME on the application where it says, “I’m joining NCF as a FRIEND of:”
- Tell them to use coupon code NNW22 for 20% off their first year of membership (this saves around 30% off an auto-renew membership!)
- Give a Gift Membership and use NNW22 for 20% a one year membership for a friend or nursing student.
NCF will enter every member name that is given on a new membership application, or every member's name who gave a gift membership during May, into a drawing for one of two $50 Amazon gift cards. The more your name is used, the greater your chance for a gift card! Ask your friends to JOIN NCF today using coupon code NNW22!
In Christ,

Make sure you are following and subscribing to us on social media and tag us in your posts!