In This Issue:
Preparing Spiritually for Easter
In the final weeks of winter in Minnesota I crave the sight of something green growing. A few years ago, I decided to round up grass seed and plant it indoors. It was really refreshing to water the sprouting seeds and let my kids “mow” the grass with scissors. I decided to try it again the next year but realized I needed to start earlier in order to enjoy it even more. I had to buy the seed and soil the summer before since it is not available in February (I mean, why would stores carry grass seed? Who plants it in a Minnesota winter?!) and as I was planning the planter to use, I realized that if I timed it correctly, it would be grown in for Easter. With this advanced planning I was able to create something more meaningful, a resurrection garden. It became a great discussion for kids and adults alike of the tomb…a rock rolled away…a new life in Jesus.
Just as my resurrection garden was more meaningful when I prepared, Lent is a time of reflection and preparation not just of candy bunnies, Easter lilies, and ham brunches but a time to reorient ourselves, just as Jesus set his path to Jerusalem (Luke 9:51). There are many different faith traditions associated with Lent and preparing for Easter but all are preparing us for what is to come. “Fasting and prayer during Lent align our mental axes with the meaning of the original experience of Holy Week. This allows its full force to get through to us: the gut-punch tragedy of Good Friday, the silence of Saturday, and the ecstasy of Easter. This preparation ensures that, when the eyes of our heart turn to the cross, they will be wide open,” Drew Larson states in his blog post, "Don't Miss Out: How Lent Prepares Us for Easter." May this be a meaningful season of walking with Jesus to Calvary for you!
Take it to your group! Ask others about their traditions in preparing for Easter. How are they the same and different from what you have experienced? What parts might you want to incorporate this year? How can you encourage others in your group as you prepare spiritually for Easter?
If you are looking for ways to prepare spiritually for Easter, here are a couple resources to guide you.
Student Leader Apprenticeship
It’s that time of the year to begin thinking about student leadership for the fall. Check out these resources from NCF and IVCF to help invite students to consider becoming a leader in the fall. If students are hesitant to say yes, start small! Invite them to try one small leadership step at a time!
Mentoring New Leaders
Apprentice Guide
Your Voices: Colorado Christian University
Colorado Christian University's NCF mentorship program is a place for pre-nursing and nursing students to build friendships, get advice, and encourage one another in our studies and in our faith. By pairing pre-nursing students with nursing students, we establish mentee/mentor relationships for discipleship and support through the BSN program. Nobody understands nursing students better than fellow nursing students! When asked to summarize her experience as a mentor, a CCU nursing student stated, "I signed up excited about what I had to offer as an older nursing student, not expecting the friendships I have built through this program. While I may be able to answer my mentee's questions and give advice, she will never know how much she has inspired and encouraged me in nursing school. Her excitement about nursing school reminds me of my own passion for nursing and affirms God's calling in my life." CCU's NCF provides monthly training for mentors that focus on leadership development and spiritual rest; in addition, we provide monthly mentorship events for the mentorship program pairs to attend. Each mentorship pair looks different - we want to focus on what needs the Spirit is leading us to address. Mentorship is more than just a professional relationship - it's walking alongside life with each other, growing in leadership and faith, and making new disciples in nursing! -Written by Amanda Smith (Mentorship Coordinator)

Kept: Finding Peace in Nursing School
Registration is open until April 1st but register by March 19th to get a physical retreat packet. You can register as an NCF community or as individual students and faculty. Register here!
Swag Alert: Give Us Clean Hands
Cleanliness is next to Godliness right? Check these out to rep NCF on campus while keeping the germs away.

Membership: Did You Know?
Did you know that NCF is both an organization on campus and a professional organization. Check out our membership here. Membership is a way to stay connected to us for years to come, providing you support in your nursing career.
In Christ,