In This Issue:
- (Un)Happy Anniversary
- Does Your Chapter Need a Shot in the Arm?
- NEW March Resources
- Get Your Swag Here!
- Join NCF’s Professional Membership
(Un)Happy Anniversary
Jen Wojtysiak BS, ThM • NCF Student Ministries Director
As we approach the one year mark of living in a pandemic, what words would you use to describe this past year? Chaotic? Lonely? Heart-breaking? Those are some that rise to the top of the list for me. As I examine this past year, I am reminded that in this life we are promised suffering for many reasons: for being a follower of Jesus or because we simply live in a world that is not how it was supposed to be!
However, we also know that suffering and adversity, that which was intended for evil, can be used for good (Genesis 50:20). In other words, in God’s hands, intended evil can become good. Our suffering can produce good fruit. Fruit such as perseverance, character and hope (Romans 5:3).
Now might be the time to not only examine what the Lord is doing in you but also to practice the spiritual discipline of examen. To reflect and mine for the good the Lord can produce in you through the suffering you have experienced this year - the fruit of Spiritual Resilience.
One definition puts it this way: "Spiritual resilience is not simply about recovering from adversity. It is about bouncing back in a way that deeper knowledge of both God and self may result.” I love this definition because it fits with what we see in Scripture. Romans 5 tells us that suffering/adversity produces perseverance (resilience), character (which is about understanding ourselves) and hope (which is about knowing who God is!).
A few simple questions we can ask ourselves to examen this year are:
- What words would I use to describe this past year?
- Where did I see God this past year?
- What did I learn about God, myself and others this past year?
An additional definition for spiritual resilience adds “the ability to maintain identity and purpose through hardship.” This is my prayer for you as NCF leaders: that through the hardship of doing ministry in a pandemic, in addition to ALL that is already on your plate as a nursing student or faculty, that you will--in addition to knowing God more yourself--maintain the purpose and vision of NCF. Now more than ever, nursing students need a thriving community around them to support and love them with the love of Christ!
Here are a few additional resources on the practice of examen, spiritual resilience, and spiritual disciplines:
Does Your Chapter Need a Shot in the Arm?
Spring semester is here! I don’t know about you, but it seems like deja vu from a year ago except I am more tired. Your NCF chapter might be feeling the same--zoomed out, lost momentum, nonexistent even. We know the fall will be different; campuses are planning on being more open next fall and there will be opportunity to meet together in safe, small groups in person. It might be tempting to wait until the fall to begin ministry, but let me encourage you to take a few small steps now to ensure a jump start to your fall ministry:
- Set up a 30 minute coaching call with Jen or Katharine to talk through your unique campus situation. Email ncf@intervarsity.org to set up a time.
- Pray for new leaders. Make a list of potential leaders. Next month’s Campus Vitals will focus on inviting new leaders into leadership.
- Gather your group this semester for one online gathering, focused on vision. See the example outlined in the resource section below!

NEW March Resources
Use this Vision Night Outline to study Scripture as an NCF chapter and pray through the vision of your NCF group, coming up with next steps for your chapter to take.
We know that this is a challenging time to get students to join for even more time online so we have put together a list of speakers who are willing to join your NCF online gathering on a variety of topics to help bring extra interest to a meeting. If you have a topic to speak on and would be interested in being on this list as a way to bless other chapters, please email Jen at jen.wojtysiak@intervarsity.org
Instagram can be a great way to reach out to new students and invite them to your NCF chapter. Here is a simple tutorial on how to post an Instagram story to invite new students to NCF. Images for your story can be found here.
We’re in this together! Have a question other NCF chapters may be able to help with? Has your chapter had an event or outreach that really needs to be celebrated together? Share it to our NCF Student Leader and Faculty Advisor Facebook page!
Get Your Swag Here!
Check out all of our NCF swag available to you and your chapter! And, just a reminder, NCF members get 15% off all NCF items.
Join NCF’s Professional Membership
Now is a good time to Join NCF! With your membership, you get resources that will encourage and equip you now and for years to come! We offer spiritual support for the rest of your nursing career, resume building, and discounts on name brand nursing products. Check out our student rate of just $35 (print + online Journal of Christian Nursing access) or $25 (online only JCN) per year! Faculty, we haven’t forgotten about you...get a practicing nurse membership for just $45!

In Christ,

Student Ministries Director, Nurses Christian Fellowship/USA