In This Issue:
- It’s That Time of Year Again!
- Welcoming New Students to Your NCF Group
- Resources for Your Group
- You Are Invited!
- Join NCF
It’s That Time of Year Again!
Classes are starting, schedules are full, and you’re not sure how you’re going to make it through the semester and it’s only the first several weeks!
At times like these, I wish, hope, and covet others praying for me. Praying for strength and energy and sleep.
The good news is that each and every one of us has someone praying for us. And, not just any someone, THE someone, the God of the universe, God incarnate, the creator and sustainer of all things - Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 7:25 says, “Consequently he is able for all time to save those who approach God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.” Hebrews 7 is telling its readers about how awesome the high priest Jesus is and all he does for them (and for us!). He is able to save us as we approach him, and one of his priestly duties is to intercede for us. If he is able to save us, he is able to sustain us. What an encouragement when we feel drained and hopeless.
Today, as you remember that Jesus is praying for you, would you feel his love and power with you on campus as you teach, as you go to class, as you press into your homework! He is with you and always praying for you!
Welcoming New Students to Your NCF Group
New nursing students are back on campus and I am so grateful that you are there on campus to welcome and care for nursing students at your University. In InterVarsity campus ministry we always say we are only four years away from extinction! Depending on the length of your nursing program that timeline might be shorter. That is why it is critical to reach new students and have a leadership pipeline in place to apprentice incoming students into the leaders of NCF for the future!
Here is a link to the NCF Mentoring New Leaders page on the NCF website with a list to help you do that well!
The first step to apprenticing students is to have a strong outreach of new students each year. Here are some tried and true tips for welcoming new students into your NCF group this fall:
Spend time in prayer for your campus and the new students. Ask God for wisdom, insight, and courage to know who and how you can bless your nursing program this year.
Meet as a leadership or core team to practice inviting classmates to NCF. Here is a helpful video on our webpage!
Make a network map of all the students you know who you could invite to your NCF group. Spend time praying over each student by name.
- Plan an outreach on campus such as a Self Care Night where students can come and hear how to care for themselves in a demanding program physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Hand out self care bags with snacks or other needed items to bless their first weeks on campus.
Resources for Your Group
It is the beginning of the school year! Thank you for the time and energy you exude reaching nursing students on your campus! Here are some helpful resources as you start out the school year.
If you are wondering what to cover in your NCF times together, check out these Bible studies. New studies were added at the end of the spring semester.
Looking to add more students to your group and be a light to those around you? Check out our Outreach Resources.
Are you a senior, or are the leaders in your NCF group graduating? Here is a resource for growing up-and-coming leaders to ensure the health of your NCF group.
If ever you are in need of a resource you do not see, or just need a call of encouragement or coaching, do not hesitate to reach out to me at jen.wojtysiak@intervarsity.org.
You Are Invited!
Some of you might be reading this and not know how or if your NCF group will continue this year due to not having leaders, transition in leadership, or lack of interest in your group. I have a special invitation for you.
I will be starting a monthly video call in September with other NCF leaders around the country for a time of encouragement, prayer, brainstorming, and coaching so that you will have an opportunity to learn from one another and grow your group into a lasting witness for Christ in your nursing program. If you are interested in the calls, please email me at jen.wojtysiak@intervarsity.org. We have a limited number of spaces available.
Thank you again for all you do to bring hope to students around you! Praying for your school year. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions you have!

Join NCF
We’d love for you to become a member of NCF and receive the award winning Journal of Christian Nursing, free and discounted CE, and other great benefits! Pre-licensure nursing students can join NCF for either $25 (online access to JCN) or $35 (online plus print JCN). Faculty advisors can join for just $37 (online access to JCN) or $45 (online plus print JCN) using code NCFFA43. Join today!
Praying for your fall!

Student Ministries Director, Nurses Christian Fellowship/USA