Week One:
- December 1 – We ask God to open our hearts to his coming as we prepare our hearts to celebrate Christmas. May we continue to look with expectation for God at work and the ways he wants to use us in the lives of others.
- December 2 – Pray that God will give creative thinking and focus to the staff who produce NCF’s social media. Ask him to use this outlet to invite more nurses into NCF and to offer information and content that strengthen nurses’ work and faith.
Week Two:
- December 3 – A number of our NCF Student Groups have holiday service projects where they will be doing toy and clothing drives. Pray for generosity and that these drives would create space for the gospel to be shared.
- December 4 – We ask God for wisdom as we follow up with the leaders of our professional nurse groups in the challenges and the barriers they face both personally and professionally.
- December 5 – Pray for our student groups across the country to reach new nursing students, growing the attendance of their group (regular attendance has been difficult). We lift those groups struggling to find student leaders and faculty advisors. Pray for students and faculty to step up and say yes.
- December 6 – Praise God for the successful launch of our NCF Podcast - Following Jesus in Nursing! We prayed for 100 downloads as it was released in mid-November and had 101 downloads by the end of the month. We ask God to use this outreach in amazing ways in the lives of students, faculty, and nurses.
- December 7 – We are facing challenges with getting NCF registered as a student organization at a community college. Praise for an incredible and courageous student leader there. Prayer also for the college to change its policies so that a group can be established.
- December 8 – Pray for students and faculty as finals are taking place and for them to do their best. Remind them also of their identity in Christ as the foundation of who they are.
- December 9 – We pray for the work and outreach of faith community nurses in their churches, parishes, and communities. May God bless and encourage them in the challenges and barriers they encounter.
Week Three:
• December 10 – We praise God for the work he’s doing through our Sunday night prayer group times. Pray for students, nurses, and faculty who need prayer, support, and encouragement in the work they are doing. Use this time to draw us into deeper intimacy with you, God.
- December 11 – Pray for the leaders of the NCF Texas nurse group as they plan for the March 2024 Refresh retreat. May students, faculty, and nurses from across the country experience hope and renewal in their faith in Jesus Christ.
• December 12 – A group of nurses in Detroit are gathering today. Pray for clarity of vision and for the Holy Spirit to raise up leaders for the group.
- December 13 – As Journal of Christian Nursing editors plan upcoming issues, ask God to prompt authors—including new ones—to submit articles and columns (Student TXT, APN, Nursing in the Church, Missions) in areas needing more content. And thank God for the generous investment many nurses make in writing for JCN.
• December 14 – Many nurses and faculty are struggling in their roles. Pray that each would know and accept God’s perfect will for them professionally.
• December 15 – Pray for donors to respond to NCF’s end-of-the-year giving campaign. We ask God to move in the hearts and lives of others to give generously in supporting NCF’s vision to have students and nurses know and follow Jesus in nursing.
• December 16 – We praise God for seeds being planted through our student and nurse groups. Remind our student leaders, faculty advisors, and nurse group leaders that their faithfulness makes a difference not only now, but in the years to come of others.
Week Four:
• December 17 – Give rest to nursing students and faculty across the country over their Christmas break. May this be a time of encouragement, renewal, and presence in advance of the semester that’s ahead.
· December 18 – We remember that NCF is God’s ministry. We ask God to bring in all that is needed to continue the work he has planned for NCF – staff, resources, finances, vision, ideas, and more.
· December 19 – We ask for God’s presence among nurse group leaders who gather this evening for a time of connection, networking, Bible study, and prayer. Guide our discussion and give us insight as we support students, faculty, and nurses across the country.
· December 20 – Praise for Madeline at UNC Chapel Hill. She's an incredible student leader who's stepped in to replant the chapter and has a wonderfully evangelistic heart and vision. She has gathered a group for prayer and hopes to launch evangelistic ministry next semester.
· December 21 – Pray for wisdom and safety as nurses prepare to attend the Nurses Christian Fellowship International’s World Congress in Spain in June 2024.
· December 22 – Continue to pray for nurses around the country who are tired, weary, and facing staff shortages and a lack of resources in their work environments. May they be reminded of God’s presence in their lives and that they are not alone in the challenges they face. May NCF be used in their lives to be a support and encouragement in their faith and their practice.
· December 23 – Pray for wisdom and discernment on the part of the JCN editorial staff as we work with authors and their manuscripts.
Week Five:
· December 24 – On this Christmas Eve, we pause to reflect on the journey of Mary and Joseph as they arrived in Bethlehem. They traveled dusty streets not finding a place to rest. A stable would be the answer to the respite they sought as Mary began her labor. God, help us to trust in your answers and provision for us…even when it does not make sense. You have a plan and purpose for us.
· December 25 – The child is born! The waiting is over! We celebrate the precious gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, who was born to give his life for us so that we may live. May his love be present in all that we say and do as we minister to those in our care.
· December 26 – Thank God for the Lippincott staff who support the production of Journal of Christian Nursing. Pray that the NCF JCN team can share Christ’s love and bless the Lippincott team.
· December 27 – Pray for the 2nd Annual Writer's Contest to be successful in attracting additional new authors to write for the journal.
· December 28 – Ask the Holy Spirit to be with each person who is a part of NCF’s staff. Pray they would hear God’s Word for them in their quiet times; that God would protect them from the evil one who wants to discourage them in their ministry; and that each would be freshly inspired to the work God has called them to do.
· December 29 – We ask God for wisdom and discernment for NCF’s leadership team. Join us in asking God how we can grow and serve more students and nurses in knowing and following Jesus.
· December 30 – Pray for our mentors and for those that they mentor. Pray for insight, wisdom, and growing connections in their relationships with each other. Pray for each to stay grounded in the Word and their local church as their source of strength.
Week Six:
· December 31 – As we look at the beginning of a new year, we lean on God who is our rock and refuge. We pray we will grow in love for one another. We trust and ask God to build and create something new in our profession that honors the calling he has placed on our lives as nurses.
You can download the December prayer calendar here.