In This Issue:
Gratitude in the Little Moments
“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” -Luke 2:16
Ah December…the month that not only requires us to be at the top of our game in work as well as social preparations but also closes out the year, asking us to reflect on what we have accomplished or fallen short of the past 11 months. And yet, amidst this bustle and busy-ness, the beauty of Christmas can get away from us too easily. Gratitude seems to be one of those things that we begin with in the Christmas season but somehow, the tension between our desire to be grateful to God for the greatest gift we could ever receive, and the to-do list that presses so urgently, is a fine line we feel.
And yet this is exactly where God meets us, just as He met Mary in a stable.
After her pregnancy, betrothal, travelling, and more that she surely did not expect, she found herself surrounded by strangers honoring her newborn. God was present through it all and knowing that, Luke tells us, Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. In what must have been a chaotic scene she took a breath, a moment here and there, to see God’s hand and treasure all that was happening. Not just the nice Instagram worthy, “wrapped up with a bow” experiences but she treasured all of them.
Maybe it isn’t as much about huge gestures of gratitude, but in the everyday moments where we thank God for the reason for our busy-ness. Rather than letting the enemy take a foothold in our distraction, worry, and stress, we give moments back to God in praise and gratitude. Taking a breath to recognize whatever is in front of us are pieces that fit together into God’s great plan.
Take time to see and honor God in all the moments.
Lord, in the times where our to-do lists threaten to draw us away from the GIFT that You give, help us to take a breath and store up in our hearts the treasures that come in unexpected packages. Let our gratitude be what draws us closer to You in all that we do.
What kinds of things around your campus are you grateful for this year? What can you look at in a new way?
Who in your nursing program helps you see gratitude in action? What is it about that colleague or student that brings them to mind?
As you reflect on your NCF group, where have you seen God’s hand in unexpected ways? Consider challenging your group to write down three things a day they are grateful for.
Turbo Charge Your Chapter Through Debrief
As fall semester 2021 comes to a close, don't miss the opportunity to debrief your chapter and or leadership team to learn, celebrate and gain vision for next semester, all while practicing the critical rhythm of reflection! Use this guide with your chapter.

Our Gift to You
As thanks for all you invest in leading NCF, we want to support you with our professional membership at a significant discount. Click here to learn more about benefits and how to join. Faculty Advisors, join here using password NCFLEADER.
Need Gift Ideas?
Make gift-giving easy with NCF gear available from the InterVarsity Store with a 15% off discount code: RELATIONSHIP. Pens, stickers, pen lights, and water bottles can create a gift bag that will share the joy of NCF! Click here!
End of Year Giving
NCF is a missions organization funded by donors who want to partner with us in seeing students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed. As we come to the end of 2021, please consider a financial gift to NCF Student Ministries or include a pledge in your budget for 2022. Giving is an investment in future generations of students through thriving NCF chapters on campuses across the U.S. As a thank you for giving a minimum $25 recurring or $50 one time gift, we would like to send you a free book! Click on this link to start your tax deductible donation and choose an InterVarsity Press book as our gift to you! These are the books we’re offering to donors at no charge:
If you’re already a regular donor, we’ll be in touch with you about your InterVarsity Press thank you book!

May the wonder and joy of the Christmas season be with you! We pray that you find many opportunities to truly experience Emmanuel, God with us.
In Christ,