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To receive these resources, just complete this online form.
Special Membership Offer for NCF Faculty Advisors
Thank you for your vital ministry among nursing students on your campus. We highly value you and your work as an NCF Faculty Advisor.
To share our appreciation, we’re offering you a discounted membership in Nurses Christian Fellowship for just $45.00! That’s 30% off the regular price for nurse members.
As a member benefit, you receive the Journal of Christian Nursing to assist you in ministry to students. Every issue of JCN has articles just for educators, such as teaching strategies, spirituality, ethics, and up-to-date clinical content on a wide range of topics. Educators in public or private settings will find useful content in every issue for ministry on campus and for equipping the next generation of nurses.
NCF Membership includes JCN via print, online, iPad®, and mobile view with access to 30 years of JCN archives. As a member, you’ll receive significant discounts on continuing education from JCN and Lippincott’s 42 nursing journals. NCF also sends out a monthly e-newsletter, Charting the Way, just for members.
Take a moment to join NCF and begin getting these resources for your teaching practice. Complete the Faculty Advisor Membership Application (with payment at checkout at the InterVarsity Store). (If you are already an NCF member, this rate will be available to you when you are ready to renew.)
Let us know how we can pray for you in your roles as an educator and NCF Faculty Advisor. We’d also love to hear your stories about how God is at work on your campus through NCF. Contact Bonnie with your requests and stories. Again, thank you for serving students!
Merry Christmas!

Jane Hall, MS, RN
National Director
Nurses Christian Fellowship USA | 
Bonnie Hann, BSN, BS, RN
Campus Liaison
Nurses Christian Fellowship USA |