In This Issue:
- Get Yours Today: New Student Outreach Packets
- NEW Online Resources and Coaching Available
- Not Meeting This Semester?
- Calling All NCF Leaders to a Free Journal Club
- Build Your Resumé
New Student Outreach is here but it sure looks different than previous years. You might be asking yourself how you are going to reach students--with the uncertainty of online or in-person classes--and how that will affect your NCF chapter. Be encouraged that you are not alone, God is with you, and so are we! He will provide for you and your chapter. Inviting students to an online Bible study may be just what's needed to form a supportive, encouraging, and missional community around them. We will need to be creative but know your invitation as a leader in NCF is a worthy investment of your time with eternal significance!
Get Yours Today: New Student Outreach Packets
There is still time to get your in-person or online New Student Outreach packet. Email ncf@intervarsity.org to get your packet which includes fun and helpful resources for reaching students, including sample copies and online articles for the Journal of Christian Nursing.
NEW NCF Online Resources and Coaching Available
Check out our NEW NCF Online Resources page on the NCF website for information on running virtual meetings. Inviting students to a virtual meeting can be an ask they can easily say 'yes' to. They don’t have to leave their room! For starters, you can show NCF LIVE at your first virtual meeting and have a discussion with your NCF chapter by utilizing these resources.
Not only do NCF chapters provide a place for you to be encouraged in your walk as a nursing student, but they are also places of hope for students around you. Not sure how to have a spiritual conversation with your classmates? Sign up for proxe training. A proxe is an interactive display where you can have a conversation about faith with your non-Christian friends. This year, we have the display themed around the very relative topic of self care.
If you are unsure about how to navigate the fall semester, please reach out and sign up for a coaching time to talk through what might work best in your context. Email ncf@intervarsity.org for a coaching time that works for your schedule.

Not Meeting This Semester?
Let us know. It is important for us to be able to serve you well and keep our records up to date. Email ncf@intervarsity.org with any changes to your NCF group.
Calling All NCF Leaders to a Free Journal Club

NCF would like to invite all Faculty Advisors and Student Leaders to join our
virtual Journal Club event on October 15, 7:00 pm Central time--an exclusive benefit for members of NCF. We’ll discuss a critical topic for college campuses:
flu vaccination. Meet other educators, Journal of Christian Nursing's Editor-in-Chief and Senior Editor, and the author of
Interprofessional Collaboration Improves Uptake of Flu Vaccines On a College Campus (and earn 1 contact hour of free CE!). Watch for details in upcoming emails or email
ncf@intervarsity.org and let us know if you would like to attend. We will email you more details.

Build Your Resumé
We’d love for you to be a professional member of NCF and receive your personal print copy and online access to Journal of Christian Nursing on top of other great membership benefits (like Journal Club!). Faculty advisors can join NCF at 43% off the regular price of annual membership using promo code NCFFA43. Any student can join for only $25 for JCN online-only or $35 for print + online JCN access. Add membership with NCF to your resumé today!
In Christ,

Student Ministries Director, Nurses Christian Fellowship/USA