In this Issue:
- Devotional: Reviving Dying Embers
- Campus Story: FAU Chapter Serves in Appalachia
- Leaders Corner: Starting Spiritual Conversation; Announcements
- Faculty Corner: Ministering to Struggling Students
- Upcoming Opportunities: Urbana Missions Conference
Does your faith resemble a glowing blaze emitting warmth and light or is it more like a pile of dying embers?
Whether on a secular or Christian campus, it is important to continue to stoke the flame of your faith.
Over Labor Day weekend, the NCF chapter at Florida Atlantic University went on a medical mission trip to West Virginia Appalachia country.
Read more about how they served and what a life changing experience they had.
Want to reach out to your classmates but don’t know how to start a conversation about spiritual things? Sometimes these conversations start naturally from topics encountered in class or clinical. Other times you might need some help starting. Check out Starting Spiritual Conversations guide for some helpful ideas.
Watch for our end of semester survey that we’ll send out the week after Thanksgiving. We know that December is a busy time with activities and exams, so we’re giving you a heads up to watch for it at the end of November so you can respond quickly.
DO TODAY: Join the NCF Student Leaders Facebook Group. It’s a great place to ask questions of other student leaders, share prayer requests, and glean new ideas!
Share this e-newsletter with others in your NCF group. They can subscribe to this monthly Campus Vitals newsletter by emailing NCF.
As a Christian faculty member, we know that students are drawn to you because you exhibit the fruit of the Spirit. Some of these students may be struggling academically or personally. This Journal of Christian Nursing articles shares ideas to guide you in Ministering to Struggling Students.
Discern your place in God’s global mission at Urbana 18, December 27-31, 2018 in St. Louis. NCF will host a lounge for students to process what God is saying to them about serving God in nursing or through healthcare missions. Partial scholarship assistance is available for pre-licensure students.