Sneak Peek:
♦ Student Leadership Corner: Submit your chapter’s Fall Survey by 12/8/17
♦ Devotional: Incarnational Nursing? We long to serve our patients as “the hands and feet of Jesus.” What might this look like for you?
♦ Breakthrough in Florida: If you have struggled to invite new students to NCF, try this successful idea from a chapter in Florida.
♦ Faculty Corner: Take advantage of a 40% discount on all IVP books
♦ Membership and Conference Opportunities: Join the national NCF professional network
Leadership Corner
We want to know if you are an active chapter, how God is at work, and how we can pray for you. Reporting on your group is an expectation of all groups affiliated with NCF. Submit one survey per chapter.
Do you have students in your chapter graduating this month? They can get their first year of NCF membership in the professional organization at the student pricing of $35. This includes a subscription to Journal of Christian Nursing.
Jesus Christ, whose birth we celebrate this month, came to live with us. Christmas causes me to wonder, what if the Son of God showed up again today? When I was working as a nurse in behavioral health, Jesus did show up, and my troubled Muslim patient took notice. Read more from Kathy Schoonover-Shoffner, NCF Director.
God at Work
Breakthrough in Florida
How can we invite new students to come to an NCF Bible study? And how do we encourage members to come more consistently to NCF meetings? An NCF chapter in Florida discovered a fantastic recruitment secret this fall!
After a lot of trial and error in reaching out to nursing students, the student leaders decided to announce the Bible study topic for that week, rather than just extending their usual generic invitation of “Come to NCF this week.” For example, when they were using some of the Bible studies from Trusting God in Nursing School, the leaders announced the weekly topic (e.g. Anxiety) to all their friends. Incredibly, once they started doing this, students would go out of their way to come! New students showed up just from hearing the topic. One student who couldn’t attend asked her roommate to record the small group discussion so she could listen to it later. Praise God for what he is doing in this nursing school!
Faculty Corner
Did you know that NCF faculty advisors get a 40% discount on all books through InterVarsity Press. Nurse educators may be interested in titles like Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing or other books on nursing by Judith Allen Shelly. You can also search areas of interest such as ethical topics. Set up a faculty account and start benefiting from this special offer from IVP.
Upcoming Opportunities
You are invited to the NCF North America Regional (NCFI-CANA) Conference this summer, July 19-22, 2018, at Azusa Pacific University in California. The theme of the conference is Infusing Hope in Nursing: A Christian Perspective. Hear from amazing plenary speakers, choose from a range of seminars, network with Christian nurses and nursing students, and connect with other NCF chapters across the country! There will be specific breakout sessions for student leaders to receive coaching and training in their leadership roles. Consider sending one or more student leaders from your chapter. Contact ncf@intervarsity.org for scholarship assistance.
Texas Conference
Take time to get away and rest, reflect, and refresh your relationship with Jesus at the East Texas NCF Retreat, February 23-25, 2018. Contact ncf@intervarsity.org for scholarship assistance.

Become a national member of NCF as a professional nursing organization. NURSING STUDENTS: you can join the NCF professional nursing organization at a highly discounted rate. Benefits include the Journal of Christian Nursing (published since 1984), a great resource for research papers and for developing your Christian worldview of nursing. FACULTY ADVISORS: you can receive a generous discount of 57% on professional membership with NCF. Benefits include print and digital access to Journal of Christian Nursing, CE discounts on all Lippincott offerings, and an opportunity to let others know that you are a follower of Christ when you wear your membership pin and add NCF membership to your faculty profile.
Remember to Smile