First Things: A Word from Tim
Assessment, Diagnosis, Plan, Implementation, Evaluation. We are all familiar with the nursing process. After a long semester of planning and implementing for NCF, you may just want to survive your last NCF meeting and head off for break. But in so doing, you lose the opportunity to learn from a good evaluation of the semester. What did God do in your NCF community? What can you celebrate? And where did you struggle as NCF?
As you wrap up the semester, I encourage you to take some time as a leadership team to evaluate together. And while you are at it, will you please fill out the NCF Fall Check-Up Survey? This will help us know how we can pray for you and provide resources in the new year. Thank you! —Timothy Lin, NCF Student Ministries Director
Leading for Greater Impact
Live Webinar Dec. 5: Spiritual Care
Calling all student leaders and faculty advisors! Join NCF ministry staff for a virtual presentation on Spiritual Care to understand spiritual needs, how to assess them, and appropriate interventions. Join us Monday, Dec. 5 at 6-7 pm CST. To RSVP and receive the video call link, e-mail ncf@intervarsity.org.
Spiritual Self-Assessment
To know HOW to grow in our faith, we need to know WHERE we are. One of the greatest gifts you can give to others is helping them identify where they are in their spiritual journey. A simple way to do this is to share the gospel through the Big Story Gospel Outline. Everyone can find a place in the Big Story, and this act of self-assessment gives incredible clarity to what may be the next step in their spiritual journey. Consider drawing and sharing this diagram during an upcoming NCF meeting, then ask everyone to identify where they are in the diagram and the next step they want to take. You will be amazed at the conversations that will arise!
Resource Corner
Check out these new resources from NCF!
- The Big Story Gospel Outline
Discover Jesus as Healer and a simple way to share the gospel and invite others to respond to God! See above article on Spiritual Self-Assessment for how to use this in a chapter meeting.
- Trusting God in Nursing School
A brand-new set of Bible studies, perfect for use in NCF chapters!
- Christmas Special Offer!
Join the NCF professional network of nurses at the already-low student rate AND get 30% OFF in December. See how NCF membership now can enhance your faith and nursing practice as you follow Jesus into the future.

On Campus
Making a Love Delivery
The NCF meeting was cancelled due to testing, but that didn’t stop NCF staff Skip McDonald from visiting the campus and delivering the care packages she had assembled. The students in the new group at Georgia Highlands College were delighted to receive a special card, a cocoa packet, gum, nuts, a candy bar, and a protein bar—and lots of love from Skip. Who needs some love in your school of nursing?